Wednesday 6 May 2015

more NASA news on yahoo:

oh I know what the 'super earth planet joke' is all about, gill...the 'diamond geezer'....go figure...that 'diamond' reference along with 'loads of volcanoes'...

and the above? is testing the bounds of credibility -as per usual....hey, why don't you just construct a motorway there...a highway to the that would be an interesting construction problem in relation to the moon orbiting the earth...but I bet some 'boffin' will come up with a solution...maybe star trek scripts etc etc already have the answer?

anyway, I know what they are up to...trying to get into what I used to call 'the corridor'...something that the dr-war-obe SIS programmers knew something about but not enough...military remoteviewers never told them 'that much' let us say...we are a self-protective lot....

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