Wednesday 6 May 2015

oh I is actually a new television series....and it is about psychiatry, oddly enough....

...and that reminds me...of a snippet in PRIVATE EYE this seems that some types of 'madness' are tolerated and some are not...if you believe that you have worked for british intelligence etc...that is definitely not tolerated...if however, you believe in extra-terrestrial interdimensional space lizards (rather like british intelligence used to do - see previous notes) then that is 'okay'...

it's a mad, mad world - as simon parkes will illustrate - see previous notes upon him getting the big picture but then losing it after being recaptured by the ill:

anyway, I wonder where 'uncle michael' is being held? my mother was to say that he had been arrested after becoming violent and then taken to a 'place of safety'...she named an Ipswich they have a 'diagnostic ward' too - like Clacton and 'peter bruff' ward? let us hope that it is not as bad as the state of psychiatry upon peter bruff ward...I mean to say...the psychiatrist in question, during my month's sectioning....simply dug deep into his 'sweetie bag' to find the most poisonous pill to prescribe (having been ordered to do so by the ill) and then each weekly 1/2 hour session was composed solely of asking me how my physical state had deteriorated...that was all the psychiatrists involved, were interested in...see previous notes upon how I was to avoid taking that terrible drug and so didn't begin to exhibit any of those symptoms of physical deterioration....which was to surprise them all, I might add...and so I was then told what I was supposed to develop...and therefore i played a long with it, a little but not that much...

in fact, I might go so far as to say that all 'peter bruff ward' was about...was, well....what psychiatry has been famous for, since its inception...terrible experimentation upon human beings - unlucky enough to be entrapped in their nets...

...oh and I might make mention of the fact that the bogus 'sectioning team' who had turned up at my front door in Harwich...were to blatantly state that the fact, that petrol nell hadn't managed to get me violently attacking me in that 'eagle house' garden...was the reason why they were now sectioning me...they were to admit as much, in front of two police if they didn't care about what they if it didn't matter...

petrol arch member of a Ukrainian gang...a practising Satanist...ill cult abortionist and cannibal, I might add - what has this country come to?

I suppose that the key point here, is this...the ill knew that I was a CID 'string' - that much is clear...they also knew that detective McGowan was under petrol nell's control....what they didn't know was that I was working for US intelligence....and at 'pentagon' level, this time...after having worked for years in 'presidential intelligence' - go figure.

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