Saturday 28 September 2024

 and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...another new comment....again asking for remote-viewing skills although like the last need of that type of thing....see previous post....anyway, let's talk 'synchronicity' that happen at the same time...e.g. the latest clump to come up....because all that i have upon my pad this morning is 'george clooney', yes really....before reading that new comment, that is....anyway, having woken from a dream which ended with interviewing clooney....because apparently he knows what this is all about and so best to ask what had the dream been all about?...a rather weird sort of search, involving a certain london college.....a rather old and respected one....although not UCL..."a bit of an old ball" replies BI you know 'which one', then?...good - we're almost there.....anyway, in my dream - the elevators were no longer in use....instead, a stack of supermarket baskets were involved, to transport etc etc that system didn't work either, anymore - it had fallen apart.....i then went in search of a certain 'tree' - with a sidelong glance at computer 'trees' find heather kempson and friend out the back - in a sort of 'garden' - a horticultural show of sorts....and finally clooney, watching them all....he appeared to know what was going on...and there had been a totnes/dartington connection, i might add....and that's all i can tell you....apart from a comparison between the video mentioned in that new comment and etc burning tree, anybody?....oh yes, before going out the back - i had visited the computer room  upon the top floor which was computer 'trees' around at the top....just a 'nursery school' being set up, by a teacher, in fact the whole building was being revamped to become that sort of educational why am i getting COI here?...remember rimington and her 'walled garden' i.e. computer tree 'controlled environment' out back?...and in relation to the prague rothschild, who had become very sick, by a certain point in either 'old age' had sent him back to nursery school or dementia?...the supermarket baskets appear to have been about covid - in relation to isolation and food being left at the door etc etc...let's have a look at the lyrics now and at the risk of sounding 'trite' - i had come up with my own understanding or conception of the 'afterlife' the other day....based upon the assumption that nobody actually really knows....because nobody has gone through that door to a different dimension and that door has closed behind them....yes, remote-viewers have had OBEs and NDEs but nobody has had the door close behind them and then returned, as far as i know...therefore if we start with the assumption that nobody really knows....nothing is provable, at all...the only thing that we do know is the physical reality of the soul and that other dimension - both scientifically proven...and so then, regarding what is behind that door - is a question of belief....hmmm...and the nature of your belief will dictate your way of being and influence within this, grandpa clayton had a rather naive conception of the 'resurrection of the dead' according to sylvia - who had seen dead bodies decomposing etc etc...and yet, i begin to wonder if his conception of the afterlife....where family and friends meet up a celestial place where they can recognise each other and greet each other, in that dimension....all and from that world of pain and suffering....and i was to think...that's not such a bad idea....given that nobody can prove etc etc....and i would bet that the belief had made him a better man that he would have been, otherwise - in this life etc etc.....for example, if he had been a god-hating-atheist....who believed in materialism and alienation....well, you know how it can't take it with you and when it's all burnt away...all you are left with is 'love'...nota bene icke claims to have had a personal experience of that dimension etc etc and so i'd better correct myself, remote-viewer, to my knowledge etc etc although at the risk of or perhaps despite overburdening the metaphor - icke had been the one to talk about those satanists who had heard the door close behind them but not in a positive way - no other door opening when that door closes etc etc....hmmm...something around that satanic NWO horrorshow, beginning to relation to whitty et al.......go figure:

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