Saturday 28 September 2024

....and what page are you on, dazzlenation?...let me see....hmmm....a bit of a 'titanic number' as replayed by robots?....and so we're adding a maritime job to etc etc.....see previous post...."it's titanic" replies BI online....and to what are you referring, precisely...."an over-burdened metaphor"....and yet, i've just scribbled 'ghosting door' upon my proverbial pad - having remembered a certain event backfiring for rodway et al - involving her spare room door.....hmmm...back to that old 'hinge and bracket' affair?...oh and it had been MW who had found out about 'hinge pens' and tried to mend it albeit unsuccessfully but apparently it didn't matter...the point here, remember 'hinge pens' to take them out and bend them.....all metaphorical, of course...and yes, i'm beginning to 'get' this now - in a very alternate dimension, let us piled up shopping baskets, in my dream - had fallen into a heap....stacked on top of each other...not unlike the holders for the hinge pen, let us say - once the hinge pen has been taken out etc etc...that's what my sixth sense is picking up, anyway....ergo if the hinges don't have pens, anymore....the door is useless and will fall off its hinges and so what type of door are we talking about here etc etc..."it's an engineering problem"...for what - basketcases?....remember gill as a baby, programmed in as basket-case-moses-in-the-rushes, regarding his step-parents etc etc....remember dreams are multi-layered and deeply symbolic....anyway, you appear to be on a cupboard door...although that is now reminding me of partition screens which wouldn't need hinges, now - would they...the type of 'door' that you can pull out across a room, to partition it....and yes, that's brought something back, now....all a bit 'deja vu'.....the idea of a partition screen was something i had mentioned in relation to your pic (mistakenly thinking at first glance - that it was 'one of those' partitions had been on my mind, at the time) - a pic that i had been shown by brenda, all of those years ago now....anyway, she had picked up on the idea, to then give to her engineers..."can you do it?"...and so i'll leave you with that, dazzlenation....all in a rather alternate 'dimension', let us say....go figure:

sliding doors....remember that gwyneth patrow movie and yes, i realise that we're now approaching tomlinson's the-doors-don't-lock tanking ferry attempt at a sky program horrorshow, again:

sliding doors....and helen quilley...the quills and the pens....oh and in both storylines she ends up being taken to hospital and loses the baby.....and hollywood had termed this a 'romantic comedy'? of mark r's favourite movies, as far as i can recall etc etc....and what else?...well, i'm just going to throw the following out an added association....go figure.

and if i were to take it a little bit further, in terms of associations....well, 'le pen' means peninsula, according to wiki:

and so what about 'quills' then?...let me see....a geography firm called 'quill' and then the 'quill peninsula'...."and the porcupines"....what do you mean by that?...anyway, there's a volcano, too...oh and i sense something 'weird' going on, here....regarding quill being 'kuil' in dutch, according to wiki.....meaning pit or hole (according to google translate - it means 'temple' in malay)....and the german word for pen...apparently 'kuli' m (inf) and something that the prague rothschild had thought about...regarding that relation to his pen and inkpot...dipping his pen into the volcano etc etc:

something lost in translation? be 'ubi'..."where's my pen?"...oh i see - is that what he had said...and remember - it used to be susan sinclair who used to steal all of the pens etc etc...additionally, i can remember a joke around MI5 evans....regarding his fluency in german...."you've been stift/stiffed" etc be stiffed - slang meaning swindled/cheated....with 'stift' as german for pen....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

oh i 'get' what this is all about now....a book that the prague rothschild had penned and then given it to somebody else to publish under their own name....and the book in question?....the 'horologican' - nominally by mark forsyth...a book that i was to recommend to both ed 'n' oscar, recently...having found out in it - what ed 'n' ingabot's nickname for oscar i.e. 'whiffler' meant - according to the ancient definition.....which the prague rothschild had linked up to trains....managing to get there, just in time - during the rush-hour.....with the aid of a 'whiffler'....hmmm....a bit of a roman procession number...with a sidelong glance at volumnia/sound-warfare etc etc....a potsy number, that he had found out about....whilst seated in the british then compose a humorous book around other such obsolete words.....with an aside at the end of the somebody else, also seated in the british library at closing time...whom he had thought of as dead....a 'stiff' but upon the other hand - whoever-it-was then got up and walked out, with him....hmmm...recently, oscar had told me that he frequented the british library but for what reason....well, he didn't mention what he was currently researching....go figure.

with a sidelong glance at machine logic....AI gone crazy.....the horror-logic...and then i would guess that we're back to the tower of babel and susan bassnett's centre at relation to language chips and so much more...remember the prague rothschild and david miliband as his 'lity' etc etc:

oh and you might cross-reference the whole lot with daldry's film 'the hours':

additionally, i rather like this colourful version - the bedford book of fact, it kind of reminds me of my dream...the building had been white with a rather ornate architectural interior etc yes, i could go so far to say, that the building below - is somewhat reminding me of the prague rothschild, himself - let us say....see previous post....go figure:

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