Saturday 21 September 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?...well, something that lisa's son had found out....regarding what potsy had been up to....and in relation to what gill 'n' brand had got up to - remember their stint upon a radio desk above manningtree high street etc short, ed had tipped me off to something 'not right' about oscar having to go back in order to help his erstwhile landlady with 'something' but he couldn't remember exactly what....oscar then told me that it was something to do with the 'plugs' that he had put into a package and would be returning them in person - within the next two weeks....ed had figured that he might need a hand....he was grateful for the offer....whilst i was left wondering....well, i'm no electrician, am i?....that had been whalley's specialisation....all i can remember is a load of adapters stacked up and one  might think - somewhat the living room, near to the french windows....appeared to be a bit like a could reset the whole lot, from that plug socket...appeared to be attached to the tv/router....along with a printer upon the other side of the room...oh and the printer had also been attached to another wall socket.......anyway, sometime last year - oscar suddenly remembered that if he wanted to get the printer to work....all plugs/adapters had to be taken out of the wall....and so instead of just trying to reset it by removing the plug nearest to it...he then had to unplug those adapters upon the other side of the room....and after reinserting that bundle...the printer worked...anyway, gill 'n' brand had programmed themselves in as the 'plugs'...gill as sink/basin/bath plugs and brand as electrical plugs...."fire and water" replies BI online....really?...well, that sounds a dangerous mix....oh and laura et al, had wanted to know what was in the attic....hmmm....a bit of a holliday number?...let me see....and yes, kate holliday had arranged for a link to rodway's residence across the walkway etc etc....anyway, it's all been cleaned out now....oh and potsy's overall plan had been around the idea of stealing the maths.....coded in as 'albert'.....anagrams of albert, anybody?...."the royal we" mean albert and victoria?....and yet, what i've got is brand's film 'arthur' upon the timer system, this morning.....who finds out that his nanny was in fact his mother....what a caboodle, eh?....go figure....not to worry - we don't need 'batman' - dazzlenation...japanese intelligence had been watching the whole thing and so 'maru' can explain....more laughter...the only other thing that i can offer, is that obviously i had 'reset' what potsy had been up to - so that it would never work again...the 'tables' as in albets etc etc and yes, he'd been after the all-seeing-eye....see previous notes upon rear admiral losey/US naval intelligence and their deal with japanese intelligence etc etc...additionally, you might want to check out what uncle bobby clayton had been up to - something that he obviously hadn't wanted me to see -  regarding his so-called present or should one say 'contribution' of another printer to the melee...not that oscar had bothered with it, at the time....i was supposed to go round later on to find out how it worked and upload family photo albums etc etc....hmmm....not touching anything that uncle bobby has etc know how it goes etc etc:

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