Sunday 22 September 2024

 ....and we're still on that 'turtle/cd/pratchett' number, regarding no. 6 - dazzlenation...after oscar 'n' sylvia had moved out, that is....and so it wasn't just clacton but also manningtree that had been a 'test centre' for slave-drivers and their microchipped hoards, eh?...kate holliday had expanded their reach, let us say and yes, i can now read upon the system etc etc.....and so 'who knows' what was to happen next, eh?....anyway, sicilian 'laura' and 'darwin' (mod) had wanted to know about what had been in the attic etc etc - in relation to their moving up the scale, upon prince phillip's in what was kate holliday's link to rodway/mossad-across-the-walkway all about etc etc....and in relation to bobby's mob....remember bobby clayton's delusional idea (along with his KGB son 'jeremy') that he would be able to 'live the dream' and become president of the USA....more laughter....whilst pat andrew was more worried about those who ran acorn villages ltd..."that's all i can tell you" in former CEO ray ablett (acronyms of table t or albert without the r) and yes, 'tony green' running his 'god-desk', there - had been a real problem etc etc....and what else?...well, after no. 6 had been cleaned out....a CIA reference to 'cory'.....who had flicked through a certain novel, left in of murakami's.....which touches upon 'quite a bit', let us say...anyway, after flicking through the pages - he had 'got' what it was all about - immediately....or so one might think.....anyway, linda's mob had picked it all then put up a timer system reminder to the following book....'killing commendatore', regarding your 'nope' thing, dazzlenation - something around biggart's daughter who had been a terrible 'snob' regarding opera - as her mother 'libby' had known...oh and her daughter 'janet' had listened to 'mantovani' upon oscar's sound system at 14 st bernards....hmmm...a bit 'autistic' or something else? any rate, she was extremely rude and anti-social...and so i had to 'nanny' etc much of my life, has been 'just that' in facilitating those who couldn't etc etc.....i was used to dealing with such, she had liked the 'switches' upon the headphones, at any rate...from 'red' regarding 'listening in' to 'blue' as in etc etc...something that ingabot 'n' ed had relished, as very young children because it gave them the 'edge' as it were etc etc...i.e. seated upon the rocking chair of great-grandmother clayton - retrieved from her cottage in suffolk, by sylvia - where grandpa clayton had previously relocated her...all a bit 'ghostly,' eh?....but not something that i was actually frightened of i.e. great-grandma clayton having had a very hard life and not having been able to tolerate excessive radio waves - despite having a radio in their cottage etc whit, great-grandma clayton had refused to put in electricity, within her suffolk cottage - for fear of 'voices' coming in from the light fixtures - absolute madness, eh?....and so heaven only knows why that rocking chair was so important to 'all of them' later on...something around being 'grounded'?...why all of them wanted to sit in it etc etc....all i could think of - having made 'janet' comfortable, despite being in a 'new place' as her mother had put it - was that she was now rocking - in that antique rocking chair, whilst listening to mantovani from oscar's put-together-stereo-system....and that somehow 'soothed' enable her mother and oscar, to walk outdoors, into the garden and discuss etc etc...sylvia then appeared - to be greeted by an ecstatic libby...who then viciously spat out my name....yes, she'd met me....that 'worthless daughter of yours' etc etc...i had just got back from poland, at the time....but there you it goes, eh?

anyway, monday morning and i 'get' why i had to dig up that biggart mother 'n' daughter again, dazzlenation....because libby had been in charge of that MKultra 'cabbages and kings' slave-driving number....remember what had happened upon that MI5 russian course in burma? terrible it was almost indescribable....anyway, if you want more info, evans can remember the lot...additionally 'meghan' from belle court, had apparently been related to her...a 'sprog'....who was to suffer the same slings and arrows of insults, let us say....oh and regarding that murakami novel....cory had said "we'd better get in touch with them"...who, you might ask?...."the monks" replies BI online....yes, the dalai lama and his monks....remember their impromptu appearance at that hotel in jakarta - 2004...frightened the life out of manneke etc it goes, eh?

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