Friday 6 September 2024

 ....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?.....well, another 'new comment'....and let me see....ah, i recognise the 'inference' let us landlords.....somebody wants me to talk about what had happened at warwick univ....specifically claycroft II during that christmas - when we all had to move out.....the place was fumigated HIV conference of sorts....."whitty" replies BI online....yes, it was what i shall call that british-council-in-greece crew....remember bus-trip-to-greece 1979 etc etc...anyway i had to do a bit of resetting upon the system, at the time - in order to expose their network, later on.....easily done with a bit of help from yes, that was his IP desk address network that got pulled up by amazon, yesterday....losey had rerouted the whole thing....what a song and dance around the pathways of global telecommunications etc etc....anyway, i had hacked what i shall call the 'through-the-keyhole' then use their system, to book daldry into a classy hotel in warwick - after their conference....they were in touch with daldry immediately...what was he playing at....well, he had had no idea at the time of what was going on but he was curious....told them that he would have to check out what was going on at warwick.....what a circus, as it turned out....mcdonald's CIA recruitment fair - hacked by the mossad....rodway-in-the-wings....along with nigel's people dressed as frogmen etc etc....go figure:

and what of the 'michael jackson' reference....well, there was a chap called that...whom bahar was to introduce me to - outside of claycroft II....nearing the end of our course....and so yes, after the fumigation etc etc....once we had all moved back in....anyway, seeing as he was black, british...hailed from yorkshire, as far as i can remember....i was to ask him if he got a bit of stick for which he replied...sometimes....not much etc etc....very friendly....i was happy for bahar etc etc....hmmm....must have been muslim then....because she had rather strong views on etc it goes, eh?

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