Friday 13 September 2024

 ...and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...well, my ID was approved and i now have access to my medical health record....hurrah!....and yes, i read it with interest....everything was 'above board' in relation to ranworth surgery....only a slight hiccup....apparently an access nurse called 'donna gage' had tried to contact me but failed - regarding a doppler appt in relation to my varicose veins....'no answer when rang back' and well, my phone didn't register her call and nor did she leave a message...despite my phone having received a text from the surgery, a few days before - regarding my initial appt....and so i've just sent ranworth practice a message via my NHS account...having uploaded my email address to say that perhaps she should try to contact me via email instead?....and as is my normal 'wont' to do...i then googled her find out that she has a US 'defense' counterpart i.e. of same of it, eh?....and what else, let me see....hmmm....the ardleigh surgery records didn't show up at all....nothing there....remember how i had had 'the works' done, in order to get my work visa for employment at shanghai jiao tong many pages of etc etc....every test imaginable to prove my mental and physical well-being....even included an HIV test....all a little strange...oh and the records from that st james surgery, wash lane - later on...were also missing but what of it, eh? least i know that i'm in good hands now - every contact recorded etc etc....oh and I was to find out that ranworth surgery had approved my 'opt-out' decision in 2023....all good news....anyway, you're on 'secret diary' whilst i'm still on NHS account/records....what possible connection could there be etc etc...hmmm...let me guess...a pun around doppler and doppelgangers?....go figure:

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