Saturday 14 September 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, this is something that mckintyre 'n' dews had been chasing up....firstly - something around moore 'n' cummings - remember their 'pottery painting' workshop, at a residence in greenwich etc etc....all of those years ago now...along with a certain greenwich road - having been coded out as the vale and the valve....and then it's change one letter time...along the lines of....valves...salves....selves....serves....verves....because baxter's group had been using a track by the 'verve' for something....whilst referencing holliday dog webb's heart-valve, believe it or not....tie that up to clacton's pop-up-gallery and their already-sold-out pottery painting number....along with an aside to that holliday/triad number...."tea from china" replies BI online....and perhaps a backward glance at the boston teaparty?....oh and morgan/tallant et al, had also been somewhere 'in the mix'....remember tallant had run a rothschild desk in totnes etc etc....hmmm....and so what have i got on my 'look-at-who's-moving-out' list, at present?....the following, at 6 ashmore road....along with a sidelong glance at 'prophecy cat' and moore's fly-your-kite project, which has recently failed...and quite spectacularly, i might add:

oh and then there's 'this' at the tearoom....not so far away from where algernon blackwood used to live, in blackheath.....see previous posts....go figure:

additionally, regarding that fly-your-kite biznez...toby macklin's wealthy friend from the cadogan family, had been involved....and yes, 'one of their's' is in the process of moving out etc etc....go figure:

anyway, flying your kite, eh?...what a panorama...."the two nodes that they were attempting to access" replies BI online...yes, this is all a bit 'deja vu' isn't it:

and the third node?..."the girl from the valleys"...yes, i can see what mckintyre 'n' dews had coded in...along the lines of....valve...vale....val....sal...hmmm...something to do with morgan and her 'doll's house' - late 60s etc etc....go figure:

"and then we end up on ha ha road"....yes, that's what mkintyre had said to dews...another 'big tent' MI6 circus number and that was the end of  the transmission - apart from a footnote referencing commander trendle on eliot hill...linking him to that norwegian intelligence UFO number at rendle-sham forest etc etc....and yes, his paedophile circle had been exposed by that point....i can remember mcdonald exploding..."he's still alive!" his 70s, at the time, i suppose....go figure:

....anyway, so many years ago now - that scottish BI team, had been scanning the whole area, at the time - dazzlenation ....i had pointed out my concerns, beforehand whilst saying that i might not have covered all of knowing that their type of 'leave-no-stone-unturned' type of scanning and subsequent discoveries etc etc....and so we shall see, what they were to uncover, eh?

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