Friday 6 September 2024

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i was to find out that i couldn't log into my amazon account because i hadn't notified them of my new mobile phone number....they were to verify my email address but then hit me with that two-step-verification via mobile phone number, again...counter-productive, eh?....hmmm....i'd notified everybody else about my change of mobile telephone number (eon next etc).....had I really left amazon off of the list etc etc?....unlikely but anyway, see previous notes upon that holliday/mossad number which had had its nexus at 'amazon' and probably still was also a problem, in that way - let us say....anyway, my telephone call, this morning - to ask if an amazon operative could find a way to allow me access to my account - was to result in failure....apparently the department, that dealt with that type of thing - is 'down' at present and he could only advise me to try again, later.....additionally, i was given the oddest bit of information - that was contained in the email that he had sent to my email address, via an amazon link...and yes, the IP address is not mine and obviously the location isn't, either....who knows, eh?....go figure:

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