Thursday 12 September 2024

 .....and what's new this morning....apart from being friday the 13th, dazzlenation? my sixth sense is telling me that this is all about 'mark richenbach' - remember that photo taken at the LSE circa the millennium, regarding what had happened at a certain christmas party - see previous notes upon 'all of that'...."ghosts in the machine" replies BI online...precisely that....and so you're saying 'sick duck' nowadays?....and not about the blue-eyed version (forest and wildlife) mark r, i am assuming...the original's eyes had been brown (or close enough)....although it has to be said that the blue-eyed version is the only photo that vaguely resembles him, left upon a google search...shades of jeremy clayton mark II/CID job lookalike etc etc....oh and there's a new 'mark richenbach' number up on the web, nowadays...something to do with education, health and welfare....linkedin, eh?....go figure:

anyway, a brief summary of what went on at ranworth surgery, yesterday morning....the nurse was puzzled by why my record appeared to be blank, upon her screen....she asked me if i had ever been in, at all....well, let me see - last year, after I had made an appointment with a nurse there, in relation to that eye injury, who had then told me to go to an optician...see previous notes upon optician mr hicks followed up by that whole CT scan horrorshow as planned by moore/crompton etc etc....secondly she asked me how many years i had been at that idea....but a lot - so many years etc short, she appeared to be looking at a blank screen - regarding my NHS information at all.....anyway, she then booked me in for 'bloods' (different types of tests - regarding a blood sample, apparently - which sounded like a good idea, at the time e.g. perhaps, I will finally get closure upon my blood group/type etc - plus a team who would check my veins 'just in case' - next week....although as she was to point blockages or pain at present....took my blood pressure....a little high but's always been a bit high - no surprises there....and then my oxygen count via pulse oximeter...again normal and 'good' for my age....and so i was very happy with all of it....the only fly in the ointment had been 'blank record' time....what was going on etc etc....and so i thought about the worst case scenario first of all......what if my OPT-OUT decision regarding the sharing of NHS records - had also been wiped....hmmmm....and so i was to get that one, started again opting out from the national etc etc....and then the local one at my surgery....and i've also started an NHS that i can check my records and the whole opt-out registration list etc etc to make sure that it has been done...oh and i ran into a couple of difficulties upon the way...first up - a microsoft offce 10 download for the local NHS surgery form, available online....opened upon my laptop - with only 'red' font available...perhaps to distinguish it from the black type but anyway, i found it rather unsettling...along the lines of who types in 'red'?...and why was microsoft office 10 downloaded unto my laptop, in the first place etc etc....all rather 'deja vu'....and so i thought 'why bother'....and so simply restated all of the necessary information in an email to ranworth surgery and asked them to send me a form, if they needed a signature as well....secondly, the verification process in order to get an NHS account was a laugh....anyway, i recorded the video ID verification number on my laptop - uploaded it and will now have to wait to see if  that is acceptable (plus passport photo etc), in order to start logging on....they'll reply by email etc etc....go figure:

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