Sunday 15 September 2024

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?....'moore' trouble, again...."transmission alert" replies BI online...apparently he had instructed the surgery to cancel that doppler appt but "get her in for bloods"...and the only reason that i'd gone in there, really - was to have my varicose veins you see how it goes?....and what else...well, i've been having a look at libraries upon the BBC then have a look at an article attached about '5 amazing ceilings'....and guess which one then cropped up....see previous posts....go figure:

hmmm...are we back to that, again - i wonder?

anyway, regarding moore et i had formerly said to hulbrusch in the CIA lab, little italy, NY...regarding the degeneration of AI chipped genetic robots....they're just 'washing machines' trying to repair themselves with 'fridge' deadly ones, as it turns out....trying desperately to cover up their criminal activities....for example, that swedish surgeon had told me that i needed regular check-ups upon my left leg because the knife wound had gone so close to a vein.....MI6 tards ignored 'that one' completely.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...and so now they want blood but have effectively cancelled what i had gone into that surgery to have done, as a matter of importance....hmmm...the nurse had ascertained that my general health i.e. blood pressure, oxygenation, weight etc etc were all pain....nothing wrong at why the need to do 'bloods'....surely that sort of thing should be for patients who come in with something seriously wrong with them - that the doctor doesn't know how to diagnose and needs further information all round etc etc...for example, donna had 'bloods' done because of her regular fainting attacks......not that they found anything wrong....donna then had to conclude that it was just 'stress'...whereas i had come in with an easily identifiable problem...obvious varicose veins, right the way up both legs....lots of spider veins etc etc...temporary pain in one of my calves (carving up my 'calves', eh?) which then went off and hasn't come back but seeing as sylvia had once had a near-death pulmonary embolism - to end up in colchester hospital, on account of her varicose veins, to then tell me "it'll happen to you" with such conviction etc etc which is why i had decided to have those veins looked at, in the first place etc etc....coupled with that temporary numbness in my left foot (which after rubbing hard for a few weeks, then went off) - see previous notes upon that rodway/ramsey horrorshow etc etc...and the latter was what the nurse had picked up on....definitely 'odd'....which is why she had referred me for a 'doppler' in the first place etc etc....hmmm....and so in retrospect, even though i would very much like confirmation of my blood type/ isn't in my interests....regarding my health and safety, to have 'bloods' done because it will only tempt the tards to attack again....i'll have to cancel 'that one' whilst asking for the doppler appt to be made etc etc...go figure.

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