Friday 20 September 2024

 ...and what else, dazzlenation?...well, 'young, female jaguar' is upon the timer system....hmmm....remember david miliband identifying as etc etc....go figure:

 ....oh and then the following was to come up, dazzlenation...regarding 'granville sharp' but not - remember deb mcd's husband etc etc.....and so 'look-at-who's-moving-out, then? previous posts....go figure:

and what's new this saturday morning - dazzlenation?...i take it that you're interested in that bedroom:

and that the property must have belonged to somebody 'tall' - regarding the positioning of what appears to be a microwave..."mcgowan had said: i don't know what you're talking about" replies BI online...."i'm just selling it"....hmmm.....remember his 'bad estate agents' photographs' website?....go figure:

Thursday 19 September 2024

.....and what's new upon my youtube frontpage, dazzlenation?...a london sculpture're on polar bear/iceberg whilst i'm vents and apparent connections, there - then?....all a bit 'deja vu', though....go figure:

wait a sixth sense is picking up on this being more of a 'peripheral' thing....remember fisher and vizard programming  themselves in as etc etc....anyway, let me see....looks a bit like rodway's the 'iceberg' in question had been the building behind the royal exchange....oh and polar bear = mcdonald, regarding the bank of england etc etc....go figure:

and from that 22?

although 'melanie's reference, appears to be next XCHG spaces:

...anyway, i 'get' it now...'melanie' had been supposed to coordinate laura 'n' darwin's crew...spread out - from nasdaq to etc etc and of course, she had been the tip-of-the-iceberg so to speak....go figure:

and whilst we're at it - why is 'this' all blanked out?

 ....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...well, if we're still on 'planetary rays'....go figure:

 ......anyway, dazzlenation - we're still on 'corie-bean-queen' today and in relation to sonia fisher having put her timer system clue upon 'mercury'....hmmm......tell her to put it upon 'mars' next time, evans...15 years - to wait for that information to come back etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....go figure:

Wednesday 18 September 2024

 .....and what's making me laugh, this morning - dazzlenation?....michael sheen plays prince andrew....I have no idea if it fits any of your stuff but i have a feeling that it might do - seeing as it's coming up as part of the general clump etc etc....go figure:

including 'melanie' in a bit of hot water?..."she'd come in after hours" replies BI online...oh i see - so they do actually work, then?...not empty all the time - see previous post and so in point of fact, you were simply talking about melanie and her colleague who had gained access to etc etc:

 ....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation?...well, to recap - i booked a doppler appt, the other day - turns out the nurse can only see me in worries....having been told that my varicose veins aren't life-threatening at was only the 'numb' foot that had been an 'odd one' etc etc....and what else?...well, remember that SD card (with the evidence against 02 upon it) i had sent to the ombudsman....turns out the dept is 'one of those' i.e. a whitehall job or rather how shall one put it..."they don't bother to come in - or work" replies BI online...yes, from the footage shown....operated in a fashion, not unlike rimington's COI (now disbanded)..."they pay them to stay away" completely empty office environment...."more trouble than they're worth"....anyway, 'melanie' had been in - to find my SD card, to then promptly throw it into a wastepaper bin....oh and a colleague had told her - regarding the forwarding of email correspondence...that they had to give a case reference..."but they never do"....hmmm....anyway, panic alarm bells in said department....after I had sent in an email talking about the data protection act - regarding their own rules and regulations....and yes, the cleaner had emptied all of those wastepaper baskets....hmmm....i wonder how long it will take for them to find that SD card and return it to me, then? matter - i've now sent all of the data again (with the case reference as the heading), this time to their email address supplied...much quicker and easier etc etc....and so we shall see....anyway, it's the autumn equinox upon sunday...keep safe, eh?....go figure:

 .....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?....oh i remember 'that' - the sephardim had hacked a muslim 'oman' god-on-his-desk, right by him - let us say, in terms of geographical locale and proximity to that precise location - in order to avoid detection....go figure:

Tuesday 17 September 2024

 .....and what's your take on google's latest contribution, dazzlenation - this tuesday morning?....looks like a potato moose...and happened, there?....go figure:'s_Un-Insides.png

Monday 16 September 2024

 ....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, flashbak appears to have got what you're looking for...and yes, it appears to still be all about alma dolls of some description etc etc....go figure:

Sunday 15 September 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the scottish BI team had been a bit puzzled by etc etc....let me sixth sense is picking up on that auden poem...."he was my north, my south, my east and west" ....anyway, campestre had then added a note...calling it a 'paper bag' full of nuts for at l'ouest....the team then had a look at vichy, for some reason...the vichy government? - regarding what de gaulle had been up to....although, i'm no historian and so etc figure:,+family+home+of+General+de+Gaulle/@48.2188606,3.7670152,8z/data=!4m15!1m8!3m7!1s0x47ec5ed6b15ca897:0x265b0e4709038da6!2sRue+du+G%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral+de+Gaulle,+52330+Colombey-les-Deux-%C3%89glises,+France!3b1!8m2!3d48.2213051!4d4.8856479!16s%2Fg%2F1ttdm9wz!3m5!1s0x47ec5ed3ba2e0c63:0x253db07a3eb76188!8m2!3d48.2187842!4d4.8831986!16s%2Fg%2F120qwc4t?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 ...oh and there's that symbol again, dazzlenation - nearing the end of that photo gallery...kind of chimes in with your chairbacks, doesn't it.....see previous posts....go figure:

...oh and somebody had left a memory aid, regarding the following, dazzlenation....believe it or not....they had referred back to the 'savers' large white tissue boxes, available in lidl' relation to the silver 'piping' around black cars - as used by the russian contingent upon shanghai campus etc etc....hmmm...let me think...."wal-rus" replies BI online....and the carpenter....."russian joos"....of course, the carpentry  room at the jerusalem prison museum...the carpenters had been the taschmanns....whereas mossad had identified as the woodpeckers, pecking away at the woodwork, outside....go figure:

all a bit 'deathly' then?...."the deathly hallows"...hmmm...something that moore had wanted to program with....and so he'd chosen la boisserie as a location to do it?..."the master of death"....and well, remember prince william had once identified as 'death' during a templar castle etc etc....anyway, you'd better ask marr about 'that one' - seeing as he had been chief editor in the main, of most of the harry potter books....and had taken it upon himself to re-write all of the entries/chapters submitted for the last book...moore would have pulled him in to do 'something' at any rate...and this is where it gets wickedly 'funny' regarding one comment which states 'all i can see is transmutation symbols'....hmmm....lisa's son?....think rowling vs trans....trans-mutation, anybody?...and all because superheroes/heroines tend to be etc etc....although, when i look back upon ed's spiderman/marvel comic collection of the 70s...everybody was in general agreement that the 'green goblin' was the funniest/most macabre 'supervillain'....most enjoyable 'read' of the lot....rather 'feminine' you might say...upon his vacuum cleaner etc etc...remember the link to 'zygote slavery' and satanic abortions etc etc....go figure:

anyway, moore had decided to code in the white private road around etc etc as "the foetus because they have to see it as a 'foe'" and so yes, it becomes entirely clear what moore had been hoping to do at la boisserie....and let me guess...."the leaves of the trees"...well, i was thinking more along the lines of how many months does it take....from when the leaves turn green - to eventually red:

additionally, as i continued to browse through those gallery photos....i then found the following symbol....remember cameron adopting it as the new 'templar' symbol at that cagnes-sur-mer horrorshow etc etc....hmmm....from the macro to the is very upsetting for me, to have to refuse what some might see as a real many are offered a 'bloods' appt by their local surgery?..despite the fact that it is not really necessary - just a precaution etc etc......and so of course, i leapt at the chance, along the lines of....don't look a gift horse in the mouth etc etc....alternatively, remember that old MI5 joke around prince phillip i.e. "beware the greek bearing gifts".....and yes - i know, of old...that it will only provoke another deadly 'tard' attack and so unfortunately, i will have to decline....which is really upsetting and depressing, at the same time...."stealing everything they can"...precisely that...i'm 61 years old now and yet i still have to guard against etc etc....whilst watching tard-force cover it all up....followed by an almost continuous ongoing stream of tard-attacks....and so sadly, i will have to send the surgery an email - along the lines of: To whom it may concern: I would like to arrange a doppler appt, as your nurse had recommended - at the surgery's convenience i.e. any date/time is possible - kindly email me back with your preference or send a text to my phone. I would also like to cancel the 'bloods' appt - 9.00am Friday the 20th of September etc etc...and let me see...i've just logged onto my NHS account and cancelled it...better to be safe rather than sorry etc etc...i've also put in a request for a doppler appt to be it goes, eh?

....oh and the following is really 'off-the-wall', me was something that sarah holliday had originally picked up on....the foliage upon the wall...she had first described it as the 'green man' then see it turn red, in then pick up on a slowly changing signal....rather like the seasons....from green to red and back was 'off' and so presumably green was 'on'....more laughter....and yes, i have no idea what implications that might have and so don't ask etc etc....go figure:

 ....and let me see....this is a bit 'deja vu'....the points of the compass and 'colmar' - dazzlenation....all about previous post....go figure:

 ....oh and i think that we've got a 'fix' upon that object behind, now - haven't we, dazzlenation? previous post regarding 'la boisserie' etc etc....go figure:,+family+home+of+General+de+Gaulle/@48.2188606,4.8832433,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipN381CV8FVy2W1ospwXUE9UOrAB1breFFHYb0g7!2e10!3e12!!7i2048!8i1536!4m16!1m8!3m7!1s0x47ec5ed6b15ca897:0x265b0e4709038da6!2sRue+du+G%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral+de+Gaulle,+52330+Colombey-les-Deux-%C3%89glises,+France!3b1!8m2!3d48.2213051!4d4.8856479!16s%2Fg%2F1ttdm9wz!3m6!1s0x47ec5ed3ba2e0c63:0x253db07a3eb76188!8m2!3d48.2187842!4d4.8831986!10e5!16s%2Fg%2F120qwc4t?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, my sixth sense is now pulling up something around RH in his 'de gaulle' cap - along with moore trouble etc etc....hmmm...something around veins...."arteries" replies BIo online...yes, that knife attack had almost hit an artery as well, according to that swedish surgeon - see previous post....go figure:,+52330+Colombey-les-Deux-%C3%89glises,+France/@48.2213086,4.8808843,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x47ec5ed6b15ca897:0x265b0e4709038da6!8m2!3d48.2213051!4d4.8856479!16s%2Fg%2F1ttdm9wz?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MDkxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

along with something around remote-viewing?....well, not exactly....more radio work, let us the corner of his room etc etc and that is what the scottish BI team had wanted to dig up again, as far as i can remember:

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?....'moore' trouble, again...."transmission alert" replies BI online...apparently he had instructed the surgery to cancel that doppler appt but "get her in for bloods"...and the only reason that i'd gone in there, really - was to have my varicose veins you see how it goes?....and what else...well, i've been having a look at libraries upon the BBC then have a look at an article attached about '5 amazing ceilings'....and guess which one then cropped up....see previous posts....go figure:

hmmm...are we back to that, again - i wonder?

anyway, regarding moore et i had formerly said to hulbrusch in the CIA lab, little italy, NY...regarding the degeneration of AI chipped genetic robots....they're just 'washing machines' trying to repair themselves with 'fridge' deadly ones, as it turns out....trying desperately to cover up their criminal activities....for example, that swedish surgeon had told me that i needed regular check-ups upon my left leg because the knife wound had gone so close to a vein.....MI6 tards ignored 'that one' completely.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...and so now they want blood but have effectively cancelled what i had gone into that surgery to have done, as a matter of importance....hmmm...the nurse had ascertained that my general health i.e. blood pressure, oxygenation, weight etc etc were all pain....nothing wrong at why the need to do 'bloods'....surely that sort of thing should be for patients who come in with something seriously wrong with them - that the doctor doesn't know how to diagnose and needs further information all round etc etc...for example, donna had 'bloods' done because of her regular fainting attacks......not that they found anything wrong....donna then had to conclude that it was just 'stress'...whereas i had come in with an easily identifiable problem...obvious varicose veins, right the way up both legs....lots of spider veins etc etc...temporary pain in one of my calves (carving up my 'calves', eh?) which then went off and hasn't come back but seeing as sylvia had once had a near-death pulmonary embolism - to end up in colchester hospital, on account of her varicose veins, to then tell me "it'll happen to you" with such conviction etc etc which is why i had decided to have those veins looked at, in the first place etc etc....coupled with that temporary numbness in my left foot (which after rubbing hard for a few weeks, then went off) - see previous notes upon that rodway/ramsey horrorshow etc etc...and the latter was what the nurse had picked up on....definitely 'odd'....which is why she had referred me for a 'doppler' in the first place etc etc....hmmm....and so in retrospect, even though i would very much like confirmation of my blood type/ isn't in my interests....regarding my health and safety, to have 'bloods' done because it will only tempt the tards to attack again....i'll have to cancel 'that one' whilst asking for the doppler appt to be made etc etc...go figure.

Saturday 14 September 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, this is something that mckintyre 'n' dews had been chasing up....firstly - something around moore 'n' cummings - remember their 'pottery painting' workshop, at a residence in greenwich etc etc....all of those years ago now...along with a certain greenwich road - having been coded out as the vale and the valve....and then it's change one letter time...along the lines of....valves...salves....selves....serves....verves....because baxter's group had been using a track by the 'verve' for something....whilst referencing holliday dog webb's heart-valve, believe it or not....tie that up to clacton's pop-up-gallery and their already-sold-out pottery painting number....along with an aside to that holliday/triad number...."tea from china" replies BI online....and perhaps a backward glance at the boston teaparty?....oh and morgan/tallant et al, had also been somewhere 'in the mix'....remember tallant had run a rothschild desk in totnes etc etc....hmmm....and so what have i got on my 'look-at-who's-moving-out' list, at present?....the following, at 6 ashmore road....along with a sidelong glance at 'prophecy cat' and moore's fly-your-kite project, which has recently failed...and quite spectacularly, i might add:

oh and then there's 'this' at the tearoom....not so far away from where algernon blackwood used to live, in blackheath.....see previous posts....go figure:

additionally, regarding that fly-your-kite biznez...toby macklin's wealthy friend from the cadogan family, had been involved....and yes, 'one of their's' is in the process of moving out etc etc....go figure:

anyway, flying your kite, eh?...what a panorama...."the two nodes that they were attempting to access" replies BI online...yes, this is all a bit 'deja vu' isn't it:

and the third node?..."the girl from the valleys"...yes, i can see what mckintyre 'n' dews had coded in...along the lines of....valve...vale....val....sal...hmmm...something to do with morgan and her 'doll's house' - late 60s etc etc....go figure:

"and then we end up on ha ha road"....yes, that's what mkintyre had said to dews...another 'big tent' MI6 circus number and that was the end of  the transmission - apart from a footnote referencing commander trendle on eliot hill...linking him to that norwegian intelligence UFO number at rendle-sham forest etc etc....and yes, his paedophile circle had been exposed by that point....i can remember mcdonald exploding..."he's still alive!" his 70s, at the time, i suppose....go figure:

....anyway, so many years ago now - that scottish BI team, had been scanning the whole area, at the time - dazzlenation ....i had pointed out my concerns, beforehand whilst saying that i might not have covered all of knowing that their type of 'leave-no-stone-unturned' type of scanning and subsequent discoveries etc etc....and so we shall see, what they were to uncover, eh?