Wednesday 30 October 2019,+Kamchatka+Krai,+Russia,+684500/@55.1994639,165.9987777,3a,90y,164.14h,67.77t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPuAnfEPPA0lIjWrALrUFIGHCG9nq_tGiG_bUXt!2e10!3e11!!7i9256!8i4628!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x583a619e2c32e10d:0x94d2524ec4c5b131!2sBuldir+Island!3b1!8m2!3d52.3601819!4d175.9172621!3m4!1s0x59ab12bc228eb4c1:0xde3b7c7fc202bbb!8m2!3d55.1976833!4d166.0006714

oh and Tomlinson had left 'something'...a device of one of the sheds, behind...he nodded towards number 2 (see below)...toby then asked him to verify 'that one'...he then looked into the distance, towards number 1...toby asked if that was the one...Tomlinson got annoyed and then indicated number 2, again and said "when will you learn?" etc etc...Tomlinson didn't like talking - he just liked 'indicating'...and so I wonder now, dazzlenation...if it was actually the red house by number 1...because you never know, do you?...toby was still looking puzzled but no more information was forthcoming etc etc...go figure:

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