Tuesday 29 October 2019


and so let me see...12 drummers drumming...and so 'carrie' had been planning upon a 'war' signal, dazzlenation...but in what context?...see previous post...go figure:

let me see...first and foremost - the old soviet program...'carrie' had also chosen the following image to etc etc....go figure:
and she'd decided to program herself in as this particular gold ring...despite boris' surprise, regarding the whole matter...."because he told me so!" i.e. Jacob Rothschild....go figure:
and what else?...well, having scanned Jacob Rothschild et al....Jacob had laughed about carrie...."toothy roothy" a (ruthie) stredwick reference...."toothy carrie...what else rhymes?" he was to ask an aide....see previous notes upon the stredwick 'red fez' brigade...as it goes, eh?

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