Thursday 31 October 2019

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the following is on the timer system, this Friday morning...a tie-up between two photos...and so let me see...was it gill who had taken the following photo...and if so - to indicate 'what' precisely, in relation to double-sided medical tape etc etc...and so what do drugs and an apparently full glass of water have to do with etc etc...oh I see - somebody could remember woodall complaining to one of his team "anybody would think that you are thick!" in relation to not giving their victim a glass of water, in order to swallow the pills...go figure:

and so what relation does the photo below have to the snip above...something in a name, perhaps?..."trenholm will sort it out" woodall had said...the same one? relation to 'what' precisely?...go figure.
let me it just 'me' or is the following a rather scary photo...LOL...a bit 'ceiling cat' isn't it?...peering down at, doesn't that make sense in an alternate universe?...and so was kate/Karen one of yours, then - trenholm?...see previous post:

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