Thursday 31 October 2019

...and what else, dazzlenation?...oh now I 'get' the whole 'heron' number and in relation to mr woodall and his team...because woodall-at-Langley-juniors (with his hair slicked back - overly long on the top of his head so that etc etc) had reminded me of a 'heron'...and there's more...a little bird was to tell me that whoever had been banging on flat 1's frontdoor, upon Thursday morning...had been a heroin-addict, hoping for a fix....and that is beginning to make sense, now...because she had been on her own...she hadn't even bothered to ring flat 1's doorbell...she hadn't said a word through the door to whoever was supposed to be in there - either...hadn't stated her intentions...just began to bang upon that door, in an extremely violent and intimidating manner and for around 1/4 of an hour or more etc etc...whether or not she was a bona fide member of the police and apparently her name is 'kate'...although BI have just told me that they think it is 'karen'...and so let me of woodall's old gang?

and the intimation is...that the gang will 'have another go' on Friday night...heron not pterodactyl...I stand corrected....LOL....go figure:

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