Tuesday 29 October 2019


and what else is 'new' on the BBC site, dazzlenation?...'time to declassify your dog'....LOL...anyway, police dogs are always close to my heart...along with huskies...anything that looks like a 'wolf' really....and so naturally I was going to click on the above url to find out etc etc...and having done so...well, doesn't gove's expression remind you somewhat of a Belgian malinois...even though his eye colour isn't a dark 'Belgian chocolate' brown etc etc....butter wouldn't melt, eh?...oh and upon second thoughts...it is more the 'hair' and the 'coat' really...well-groomed, let us say...and that would be your point, dazzlenation - in relation to john waters - see previous post........go figure:


hmmm...upon consideration....gove doesn't really have the 'majesty' of a Belgian malinois, does he - dazzlenation?...and that is because the 'comic' factor is lacking...in point of fact, the dog below...looks more likely etc etc....go figure:
and more importantly, let me see....'left out in the cold'....spies and spying....mind control programming 'n' drugging...perhaps a hint is being passed down the line, here?...see previous post.....go figure:

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