Tuesday 29 October 2019


...and if we're still on 'future scripts' dazzlenation...is this a 'sign-of-things-to-come'?...and if so - in what way?...let me attempt to begin to unpack 'this one'...if we take it as 'read' that baxter is the new head of etc etc...go figure:

oh and what's 'chloe' doing on the 'glass ceiling'?

and yes, I can remember the above, pic - now...and yes, it's carrie and not chloe, dazzlenation...that toothy teletubby sun, shining on down upon the rest of us etc etc...and yes, that whole fracas surrounding rory (and the police) running in to find out what carrie had done on boris' laptop...is now beginning to make so much more sense etc etc...see previous notes upon 'all of that'.


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