Monday 28 October 2019

...and why was I looking at 'phones' in the first place, dazzlenation?...well, that old Samsung has finally 'conked-out'....and so I was to review the whole situation...see previous notes upon ling tampering with phones in the Clacton O2 shop (recently seen, wearing her commie 'command-ant' grey 'uniform' LOL and so yes, this is all about 'military-ants' - see previous notes upon the 'big-headed' one, in QD etc etc) then see the following upon the O2 site and so yes, that was what had initially sparked my interest...not that I have any money to buy a new phone...and so I simply amused myself by working out what the cheapest phone on O2 would cost over their 3 year pay-back realise that you will have paid about £160 more, at the end of the contract - than if you were to buy the phone, immediately...go figure:

and so yes, dazzlenation...I now have to rely solely upon the internet on my laptop for 'communication'...not that this really bothers me...I can always use a payphone if I really need to make a call....anyway, most of the time - I use email to correspond with CHP etc etc...and so i am in 'no hurry' to buy a new phone...if and when i have enough money to buy a new one...which will not be any time soon...seeing as i am still on ESA benefits etc it goes, eh?

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