Wednesday 30 October 2019

oh and if ling had been 'clever' she might have realised that CIA 'radio witches'...tend to only help those who are useful to them...people with skills, knowledge and experience, for short, ling et al...had an inflated sense of 'self-importance' and 'self-worth'...and that doesn't necessarily 'work', let us say - in the wider...grand scheme of things....LOL....ling's radio witches have been talking about "opening Pandora's box"...a perfect example of grandiose exaggeration....just a little booby-trapped package, that's all...and yes, those sick animals had been trying to steal again and that is what you get when you try to steal off of those that you really, really shouldn't...but do those deadheads ever listen to advice?...go figure:

'a rose by any other name'...'gather ye rosebuds whilst you may' etc etc...LOL...and yes, dazzlenation - your psychics had picked up on 'death-of-a-robot' within the early hours of Tuesday morning...the 29th of October...and so oddly enough - not related to that suspect email etc etc...anyway, all one can say about 'that one' is that an exorcism isn't necessary...and that is because robos don't have souls...therefore they cannot 'possess' another...although a military trained remoteviewer can...and that might have been a problem...but only whilst they are living - not after death...see previous notes upon entering another person's head - taking over their mind and then telling them what to do etc etc...go figure:

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