Monday 28 October 2019

the following however, is a far more interesting video...LOL...'the aliens have landed' etc etc....see previous post...and yes, dazzlenation has clearly got the picture, there....go figure:

and yes, Brenda...i can remember the 'laffs' about that particular video, however none of it is really 'funny', is it?....paul in his silver 'sheriff' badge etc etc...
oh and off upon a tangent...remember ling in her commandant outfit?....and so what about the commandant 'knickers' then?...because they are all nickers, aren't they?...the "we don't work - we steal" club....let me see...and a google search has turned up what i was looking for....LOL....boris' 'knickers'...a present from helic...see previous post....go figure:

and so i can only wonder if 'hague' received a pair, too...because a little bird tells me etc etc...LOL...go figure:

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