Tuesday 29 October 2019

...and what else, dazzlenation?...well, after a whole load of 'tinnitus' aka electronic 'screeching' upon the sooty 'n' sweep line, Tuesday evening...the whole thing began to become clear....in short, an anticipated 'taschmann attack' regarding taking over flats as 'drug depots' for the ill cult....and there's more...CF had pencilled it in, let us say...as a 'future script' event....and that is why I was to receive a somewhat 'antiquated' email from 'ed gyde'....all upon the timer system...the email was supposed to have been opened by 'ingabot' in this flat...apparently the email had contained a lot of codes that ingabot would need to etc etc...which is why my 'instinctive response' to delete it immediately, was correct - to then empty the 'trash can icon', as well as 'defragmenting disks' and freeing up disk space by deleting unnecessary files, along with a full scan...in order to ensure that none of the ill are able to access any of that information, from this laptop etc etc because that would only 'encourage' them, wouldn't it?...anyway, now - it's all gone - no traces left...oh and CF had figured that I would have been dead, for some time...'red october' 2019....and that it would therefore be 'biznez-as-usual' for the ill cult, around these parts...oh and flat 4 would have been involved...see previous notes upon lisa running that 'Scottish accent' woman..."she'll help you" lisa had said to CF etc etc...and  in overview - I take it that 'ling' is now on her mobile, trying to redirect the whole delivery?...let us hope that her phone is being tapped...because the drugs squad wouldn't want to miss an opportunity like that, now - would they?...oh and as I have said before - many times, but the idiot children never listen and nor do they take advice...if you bother me, i'll bother you etc etc because a 'taschmann attack' isn't something that I would sweep under the carpet, now - is it?...see previous notes upon 'all of that'...go figure.

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