Thursday 31 October 2019

...and what else?...remember your "think of the worst scenario" number, McDonald?...and well, if I were to attempt to think into the mindset of those ill cult psychopaths...then it would figure that if a certain party had been cremated in Interlaken, let us say...that the ill cult have been 'cheated' of a certain cannibal rite...which they say 'keeps them in touch with the dead'...see previous notes upon grandpa clayton's funeral reception at a local Suffolk relation to Effie and Kathleen...the chef and the 'liver' etc etc....and when deadbrain robos want to continue one of their computerised practices, let us say...they tend to turn to a 'substitution' table, of sorts...which might mean...that those attending whatever 'funeral rite' is about to happen upon the 8th of December etc etc...or it might be about the 2nd of relation to an 'oursouls/arseholes' number...or and this is a longshot...what if one looks at the 'carrier' and her 12th of December number...who knows?,+Llanelli/@51.6913685,-4.1656672,3a,90y,54.59h,86.93t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sF1nr9-iLF9t_c_mjY1ij9Q!2e0!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656!4m8!1m2!2m1!1shotel+burry+port!3m4!1s0x486eedd8d8a8a943:0xb3bade2510e6a32b!8m2!3d51.6914731!4d-4.1657524

and yes, that is the hotel...see previous posts...from which you can see etc etc...unless the nearby forest has covered it up, by now....upon google maps...let me order to get to the standing had to walk down the road and then up a hill, through the forest...which had those what-do-you-call-it...hiker symbols around...and so more of a 'conservation area' than a public park....I was to check for info-on-the-boards about that standing stone information about it, at all...I then asked sue and some of her family...they'd never heard of it, before...and yes, I can remember - now, dazzlenation...woodall had been interested...because that standing stone circle wasn't on MOD books...and you have to wonder why the MOD was so interested in ancient sites etc etc...don't you?...all part of the 'mapping' process, no doubt but there will be more to it than that...oh and see previous notes upon that ordnance survey 'puzzle' book etc etc.....go figure:,+Llanelli/@51.6913685,-4.1656672,3a,75y,265.88h,76.92t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sF1nr9-iLF9t_c_mjY1ij9Q!2e0!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656!4m8!1m2!2m1!1shotel+burry+port!3m4!1s0x486eedd8d8a8a943:0xb3bade2510e6a32b!8m2!3d51.6914731!4d-4.1657524

and let's have a look at bury port now...'give us a hand, martin'...LOL...see previous notes upon 'all of that'...and so what else can I add but most of that wedding party had lined up to etc etc but luckily I wasn't on that particular list, let us say...see previous notes upon Interlaken etc etc...go figure:

...and what else?...let me see...that 'chip and ball' MOD program 'visual'...regarding woodall's criminal team....something to do with the ill cult's replacement of cipolla ('chip' in relation to maths) with 'one of their own' (a 'kevin whittaker' type) along with a RA cult 'ball' cocaine addict/fir-king twat (see previous notes upon that so-called tribunal)...wrapped up in a 'soccer' game reference?...although it could also be a golfing reference...and a scan has just revealed...woodall balancing a golfball upon his head, whilst programming in that upstairs room, above the linen shop...the idea being?..that he's being 'teed-off' and he cannot do anything about it...see previous notes/posts upon 'all of that'...and well, that's 'heartening' to know, woodall - severe irony intended...go figure.

and what else?...I see....a 'nutcracker suite' reference, dazzlenation?...and yes, it looks like another 'the cat' reference, as far as I am aware...something around marie louise von Franz's interpretation of the fairytale 'cracking of nuts' order to produce the finest of linens, from out of the last etc etc...see previous posts....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation? this another coded 'belle court corridor' warning?...because I really hope not...see previous posts...go figure:

and I repeat...I am simply not interested in what has been going on and might go on in flat 1 etc etc...just don't bother me, about any of it - you ill cult 'clowns' - can't you take a warning?....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...'house plants'...yes, I think that I've already covered 'that one' and in relation to the woodall-break-in and no I cannot be bothered to search my entire flat just to see if that ill cult crew had changed  their minds etc is sufficient to have 'outed' them (and their intentions), upon this blog...see previous post...and what else?...let me see...I haven't had a look for that burry port 'standing stones' number, as yet....go figure:

over to you, dazzlenation...let me see...'not only was he Dracula but he was full of fireworks'...and well, that's not actually making much sense to me...unless ling's mob had managed to throw him upon a Halloween bonfire, last night - that it goes, eh?...see previous posts:

and now another BBC article from yesterday evening, is beginning to make so much more sense...the one about what to do if you find a hedgehog in your bonfire etc etc...go figure:

hedgehogs vs hogs:

oh and anybody interested in CQC widget embeds?...LOL...see previous post...go figure:

"bunch of simpletons" replies MI5 ONLINE.....oh i remember, now...sim-pull-tons..."be quiet or i'll pull your tonsils out!" woodall had roared at his victim-upon-the-floor, whilst brandishing etc etc...they might be simpletons but that doesn't make them any less dangerous - does it?...a heroin-addict violently banging upon a frontdoor - down your corridor, in the hope of obtaining their next fix...isn't something that should be taken 'lightly' under any circumstances, whatsoever...see previous posts:

and what else, dazzlenation?...let me see...oh-oh warning bells....LOL...go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...well, the following is on the timer system, this Friday morning...a tie-up between two photos...and so let me see...was it gill who had taken the following photo...and if so - to indicate 'what' precisely, in relation to double-sided medical tape etc etc...and so what do drugs and an apparently full glass of water have to do with etc etc...oh I see - somebody could remember woodall complaining to one of his team "anybody would think that you are thick!" in relation to not giving their victim a glass of water, in order to swallow the pills...go figure:

and so what relation does the photo below have to the snip above...something in a name, perhaps?..."trenholm will sort it out" woodall had said...the same one? relation to 'what' precisely?...go figure.
let me it just 'me' or is the following a rather scary photo...LOL...a bit 'ceiling cat' isn't it?...peering down at, doesn't that make sense in an alternate universe?...and so was kate/Karen one of yours, then - trenholm?...see previous post:
...and what else, dazzlenation?...well, this gets worse...from my perspective, that is...because a scan has just revealed...that after having broken into my flat (in order to view all of those 'coloured-in-coded-MOD-drawings'...I have only published a sample, upon my blog and they had wanted to see the lot)...woodall was to tell his gang not to bother to plant drugs, there...well, thank God for that...and the reason being?..."if she finds it, she'll throw it out which means"...that they lose a lot of money...and so to recap, they're pretending to be part of the police...whilst being from an ill cult 'division' of the by the russians...which has access to the latest 'inventions' such as that double-sided medical many years ago now, before release to the general public...go figure.

...and there's more, dazzlenation...let's begin with 'halloween'...all hallows' eve....all saints' and all hallows' day...Friday the 1st....Saturday the 2nd....because as far as I know...the ill cult celebrate 'all souls' as 'our-souls/arse-holes'...a familiar chant at their rituals is "save arseholes" kidding...anyway, we're looking for a certain location - regarding an ill cult ritual upon Saturday the 2nd...and having reviewed the data amassed so far...I have come up with two possibles...which are interlinked...upstairs above the linen shop upon Clacton high street and burry port, in connection to that hotel (in which the wedding guests stayed) and a certain 'view-from-a-window' in that hotel...from which you could see a small group of standing stones (upon a nearby hillside, at the top of a public park)...which upon closer inspection....looked as though they had been 'arranged' rather more recently...not exactly 'neolithic' let us say.....and a scan has revealed that Tomlinson et al - had erected them there...X marks the spot, eh?...and for what, you might ask...I would guess that this is something to do with those island locations, Brenda....and a Russian connection....and so some sort of 'attu' number....remember Amadeus coding himself in as 'tu'?....he had also coded himself in as the 'moon' in charge of his 'moonflowers' and so we are also looking at a moon/white base frequency program....rather than just a sky program...and then the portals to that moon program....and there's more....Italian intelligence had found out about mr woodall's gang programming above the linen 'the cat' by marie louise von franz to pick up further clues...for example, she talks about the "meat jewels"....penis torture...a red ruby, of a head etc etc....linen ('ling' used to use an alias 'lyn') used to lay the corpses out..."let the dead bury the dead" is the last line in the book....Christ and his disciples...along with something around sue-hall-gyde and her first husband, whom she wouldn't talk about, at all....although one wedding guest did...mentioned that he had been a 'shepherd'...don't tell gill, that...he had been tortured above the linen shop...and he had a phobia of 'shepherd's pie'....a slice of PI(E) slave, anybody?....anyway, gill could remember 'chris the christ' had also been present "but you won't be here, next time" woodall had told him.....and let me see...remember 'karen' from that handsworth radio journalist course....had she been involved too?...additionally, gill could remember 'poisonous-mushroom-textiles' programming....see previous post regarding a new 'environmentally friendly' textile-made-from-mushrooms...oh and not forgetting the 'blinds' along with a lot of mopping up to be done, with kitchen roll....additionally, recently - the shop window has had in it...what I shall call a 'chemistry set' duvet cover, floral design - in yellow and grey....see previous notes upon my dismantling caroline hughes' yellow bananas bean/bead counter program...that yellow 'n' grey 'beaded/bean counter design' duvet from Sainsbury's had been a reminder of 'that one'...and so to recap, we're looking at chemistry rather than maths....hence the 'flowers' reference, this time around...a moon rather than a sky program....oh and you might just find woodall's old printer above the linen shop, which he had used to print out 'tickertape' style whatever was being downloaded from satellite...oh and it appears to have been rather a mobile one because he was to state that it was closer to the building, than normal...seemed to be hovering just above it and then to the side, at an angle...isn't that odd?.......go figure:

additionally, if you read 'the cat' might well pick up on all of the 'ling' relation to 'beef curtains/meat jewels'....along with a munch etching...which recalls ling's relationship to the eldest taschmann....LOL...but none of this is really funny, is it?...because if the holliday gods-on-their-desks (such as gill, CF, johnny depp) had been entrapped by 'the cat' and by the 'meat jewels'...and dragged into the depths of their subconscious minds...then it can be very difficult to clamber out again, can't it?...torture trauma programming leaves scars upon the mind...even though the ill take great care to 'clean-up' afterwards...hmmm...which has now brought to mind, a certain article upon the BBC yesterday...and so something around bandages/linen/shrouds/corpses along with a new type of double-sided-tape....that woodall had got a prototype of..."heals quickly - no scars" he was to state to his companions....and yes, woodall knew that he was being run by Russians but nothing he could do, apparently....go figure.
...and what else, dazzlenation?...oh now I 'get' the whole 'heron' number and in relation to mr woodall and his team...because woodall-at-Langley-juniors (with his hair slicked back - overly long on the top of his head so that etc etc) had reminded me of a 'heron'...and there's more...a little bird was to tell me that whoever had been banging on flat 1's frontdoor, upon Thursday morning...had been a heroin-addict, hoping for a fix....and that is beginning to make sense, now...because she had been on her own...she hadn't even bothered to ring flat 1's doorbell...she hadn't said a word through the door to whoever was supposed to be in there - either...hadn't stated her intentions...just began to bang upon that door, in an extremely violent and intimidating manner and for around 1/4 of an hour or more etc etc...whether or not she was a bona fide member of the police and apparently her name is 'kate'...although BI have just told me that they think it is 'karen'...and so let me of woodall's old gang?

and the intimation is...that the gang will 'have another go' on Friday night...heron not pterodactyl...I stand corrected....LOL....go figure:

and what else?...Halloween-around-the-world and it's the drummer boys....see previous post regarding upon carrie's 12th of December number......oh and oddly enough - spellcheck just kicked in to change carrie to carrier's and so I had to change it back...go figure:

oh and first prize goes to etc etc...for the oddest-pic-of-the-lot upon this photo gallery:

...and what else?...let me see...ah - a visual clue as to what might or might not be going on in flat 1, at present...see previous notes upon the ill and their 'drug depots' and why I really, really didn't want to be involved, this anybody else's 'dirty work' let us say...'bad energy' around...see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:

and another radio file has just cropped up, marines...go figure:

anyway, what's new upon the weather scene for tomorrow, then?....let me see...a bit of a 'pterodactyl' moment?

followed by a clump of seaweed/pods-type-of-image and well, I'm not sure if that tells me much, if anything...LOL...see previous posts....go figure:
...and what else?...a new google illustration for today...a bit 'risque', I'd say...go figure:

and what's the rest of it, all about - dazzlenation?...let me guess...when-the-glass-ceiling-comes-off?....see previous notes/posts upon 'chloe-the-dog' etc etc...go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?...let me this something around homer-home-alone...aka Oscar gyde...but not alone, a cinema surrounded by the 'living dead'....because I was to receive an email from him, this morning...telling me that Edward' wife susan had died last week and that the funeral would be tomorrow week...15 days after etc etc....unusual...normally the funeral takes place within a week because of etc etc...anyway, I don't want to quibble about any of this....additionally, he was also to remind me of where they had been married....'burry port'...which is apparently the same location as etc that important?...I have no idea...and no inclination to ask any further questions, either...oh and I had previously sent an email to Oscar 'n' Sylvia regarding future contact via emails/letters/cards...see previous notes upon that expired Samsung mobile and not being able to afford another one...go figure:

anyway, I do hope that I have made it repeatedly clear, by now - dazzlenation...that I am not going to allow anybody to involve me, in any of their shenanigans....because it seems to me that they're all up to no good, this Halloween - aren't they?....see previous posts regarding mr woodall's team...what's-up-with-flat 1 etc it goes, eh?

and what else, dazzlenation?...let me the following to do with 'johnny depp'?...because a little bird tells me etc etc...anyway, I would guess that the heart of the problem might be a rather 'unholy' attachment to ling, let us say...go figure:

alternatively, it could equally be about CF...who also had etc it goes, eh?
...and what's new this evening, then - dazzlenation?...let me see...I had been wondering who had illegally let themselves into my flat - whilst I was out, this morning - 'touching things' let us say....left a 'chip and ball' mark upon a certain bookcover....and you've just confirmed that it had been mr woodall's team.....and yes, one of them - is currently working at Sainsbury's...dressed as a 'witch' this morning, by the fast tills.....she was a bit of a 'sarah holliday' in 4L, as far as I can recall...see previous notes upon 'all of that'...additionally, I was to ask the lady who runs a kiosk 'n' stands by the bridge-in-front-of-the-pier...if she had any more of those MOD 'colour-yourself-calm' books...and apparently she does, in her garage...."if I remember, i'll bring them in"...anyway, I was to reply "no worries if you don't but it would be nice" etc etc...her kiosk will only be open until sunday and so I need to pop in, before it goes, eh?

and what else?...well, early on this morning...I was to hear somebody banging upon flat 1 door...later on, I was to meet donna who told me that it had been the police...who had also been up to her floor etc etc...and so I can only assume that they figure flat 1 is now 'illegally' occupied or something like that...but by 'who' - I have no further information upon any of it...apart from what my flat 3 neighbour had told me about flat 1 neighbour having moved out to etc etc and that she had put that lock on-top-of-the-door herself, presumably to stop it from being illegally occupied etc etc...see previous notes upon 'all of that'...go figure.

and what else?...let me see...found a loophole?...LOL...go figure:

...over to you, dazzlenation...what's your 'verdict'?....LOL...see previous post...go figure:

...and what's new this Thursday morning, marines?...more radio files...go figure:

Wednesday 30 October 2019,+Kamchatka+Krai,+Russia,+684500/@55.1994639,165.9987777,3a,15y,357.94h,64.88t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPuAnfEPPA0lIjWrALrUFIGHCG9nq_tGiG_bUXt!2e10!3e11!!7i9256!8i4628!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x583a619e2c32e10d:0x94d2524ec4c5b131!2sBuldir+Island!3b1!8m2!3d52.3601819!4d175.9172621!3m4!1s0x59ab12bc228eb4c1:0xde3b7c7fc202bbb!8m2!3d55.1976833!4d166.0006714

and that's all I've got upon this whole 'ruler man' session, dazzlenation...see previous posts...go figure:

vitus bering, dazzlenation?...a pity because a google search for the birth/death date throws up some other etc etc....go figure:,_1681-1741.jpg

let me see...and now I 'get' your 'fear of hands'...chirophobia reference, dazzlenation...anyway, ling used to program with the above..."i'll blow your hand off"...which tells me who had put that explosive device into that IXUS camera...a device that was then removed by the SAS....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...oh and let us hope that nobody puts ling's head in front of a cannon, in case it gets blown off, eh - Brenda?....go figure.,+Kamchatka+Krai,+Russia,+684500/@55.1994639,165.9987777,3a,15y,151.78h,90.44t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPuAnfEPPA0lIjWrALrUFIGHCG9nq_tGiG_bUXt!2e10!3e11!!7i9256!8i4628!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x583a619e2c32e10d:0x94d2524ec4c5b131!2sBuldir+Island!3b1!8m2!3d52.3601819!4d175.9172621!3m4!1s0x59ab12bc228eb4c1:0xde3b7c7fc202bbb!8m2!3d55.1976833!4d166.0006714

and what else?'s beginning to come back, a bit more - now...McDonald had then pointed out - with a reference to google maps...where he had figured the signal was coming from..."somewhere up that road" and well, there appears to be some sort of satellite number, in the distance....upon the horizon...see previous posts...go figure: