Saturday 7 March 2015

how odd...I must be going 'colourblind'...having seen that frontcover of the dvd...I had remembered the 'cardigan' as being of a 'rust red' colour...when it plainly is not...

oh I remember now - I had seen the 'early version' of that cover...and it had been of a 'rust red' then be changed...somebody at BI was to say "they've changed the colour - it's brown now"...well there you go...a man in what appears to be a brown cardigan...

....let me see...Helen browne had 'got it wrong' in relation to identification of what that 'nice young man' had worn 'in the George pub'...she had told Tomlinson that it was a rust red cardigan...whilst I had maintained and rightly so...that it had been a V necked pullover....Tomlinson was to check the cctv later on....and yes it had been Tomlinson who had been interested in the whole thing...whilst working at powergen as an undergraduate mkultra programmer...see previous notes...

anyway, colourblind.....I remember now...Tomlinson had told browne and myself that the 'nice young man' was colourblind..."that's all we know so far" he was to we had been 'put there' for a reason, that evening...well, I hadn't known what was going on...but I could see that browne knew...and that was why I was to take my cues from her...

let me see...marine green and his jokey instructions around "put on your cardie" meaning CARD 'e' brainwave level...this is all going to get rather technical isn't it? "only for radio enthusiasts" replies MI5 ONLINE.


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