Tuesday 31 March 2015

...well to summarise...let us hope that the mailbag in which my letter had been placed....'without an identifying label upon it'...was eventually picked up and identified at that mailing site...to then be redirected to the proper destination...i.e. WEMBLEY A S C....do you see why I have suspected 'treachery' and along the whole line, of events?

"ill cult slaves being paid off, along the way" replies BI ONLINE...and it only takes a few, doesn't it? to ensure that...how shall I put it...people far worse off than me...e.g. highly physically disabled people have their benefits struck off...they then contemplate suicide...remember that demonstration/campaign poster "1000 people have died" in relation to ATOS assessments....and that mailing sack will have contained many MAXIMUS returned questionnaires - won't it? I do not know 'how many a bag' but it will have been a sizeable number....

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