Sunday 21 December 2014

I was to use the above CLOUDFLARE page to repair my blog....the s267 reference is a CLOUDFLARE one...

and now CLOUDFLARE keep on sending me back to that order to attempt to make me try to destroy that using this option:

"Restoring the backup allows you to turn back your blog to the date of the available backup"

you see I have never had 'backup' for that blog...CLOUDFLARE would then go ahead and delete the lot...

....the ill are 'like that'...they like to try to blame you for everything...along the lines of 'you chose that option...your fault' etc is such a 'jooish'  way of thinking - as gill was to say at the CIA LAB so many years ago now....

and the other option? what's the betting that 'altersite' costs you an arm and a leg?

"The change to AlterSite allows you to fix errors using FTP or File Manager, not available on AlterBlog. Your blog is not modified in any way."

oh I see what this is all about now...I was supposed to 'try all of the options'...none of them would work...I would end up having my blog deleted....and "think of the worst possible scenario" McDonald? something around the winter ill cult altar...altar-site rite....clicking on that file transfer protocol option might land me in a whole load of trouble - who knows what it might trigger....yes, I can guess what the ill might have planned...I can secondguess them like nothing else - which is why I have managed to stay alive during this 13th one ill cult game....

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