Sunday 14 July 2024

 ....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?...well, i want to get 02 off of my back....and so i decided to address their latest threat....via email....something along the lines of etc etc....go figure:

O2 'fraud team' - case reference: CCT - C854671

I might add (see previous emails) that threatening to cut me off of the internet - whilst O2 UK complaints dept has made no attempt whatsoever, to contact me in relation to addressing my complaints - looks very suspicious indeed. In point of fact, it looks like O2 doesn't want to address my complaints at all - it only wants to threaten and extort money - money obtained by fraudulent activity - regarding my former direct debit order which i will most definitely not put back on until my complaints have been addressed.

Go ahead and cut off of my internet connection - making it very difficult for me to A) read my mail (unless I book a computer at the local library and they are often fully booked) B) keep up to date with what O2 is up to - regarding their website.

To summarise, O2 UK appears to be simply threatening me and attempting to extort money whilst ignoring my emails - to then finally threaten to cut me off of the internet (stop my data) so that they do not receive any more emails - asking them to address my complaints. This would not look good in a court of law and I daresay that if O2 eventually decides to sell on the debt to another company in order to collect their so-called debt then any bona fide self-respecting company would refuse to buy that debt - for fear of them getting into trouble with the law considering there is a 'fraud team' on the case, at present - regarding O2's increasing suspicious behaviour - which is tantamount to not just a computer error or customer care negligence because it is beginning to look increasingly like fraud or worse.

kind regards
Emily Gyde

 sent good night's sleep and then you wake up to realise what you should do etc etc....anyway, if they do cut me off, now - by stopping my data - it is on record....and so i won't have to bother with clacton library computers etc etc....go figure:

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