Tuesday 2 July 2024

 ....and what's new upon my reddit homepage, dazzlenation?...well, my first thought had been 'walnut' but then I changed my mind almost immediately - having seen peach stone 'in comments'....hmmm....with a bit of choc on it, more likely....lol....and yes, i can remember now....ian mills in the kitchen, later on...with the young marr..."they'd left this" he told the boy i.e. the doll that rodway had been holding...with its button eyes removed...and so who had 'they' been?...mills was curious..."there's something in here"....he then took a penknife and made a hole in the doll's head...to extract what looked a bit like a walnut/peach stone....andrew held it in his chocolate-covered-fingers....more laughter...omg...i 'know' what had happened now....remember toddy and his fascination with voodoo dolls etc etc....shrunken heads...shrunken brains?...hmmm...now what type of animal has etc etc...'rat brain'?...no wonder i had been 'on my guard' as it were etc etc...."rat boy" replies BI online...and you'd be talking about gill, there - would you?...more laughter...rodway with her 'rat boy' doll...although none of this is really 'funny', is it etc etc....see previous post....go figure:




along with an aside to something that i had said which was to make brian...toddy et al, laugh....regarding, how does one put it...hmmm...warfare....brains 'n' cannons....that's all i'm going to say about the whole matter...apart from 'soap brains'...a sephardic number regarding the ashkenazim etc etc...and yes, 'blowing from a gun' had been an idea, entertained by etc etc...begun by the portuguese, continued by the mughals and made 'infamous' by the british east india company - according to wiki...regarding mossad's treachery - in relation to trying to pinch US naval planes/warships...."send them back - via rocket launcher" replies BI online....lol......go figure:


off on a tangent now because it's time for a mix 'n' match, dazzlenation...whilst still on the trail of rodway....who had been interested in sylvia's 'holey rocks'....remember daldry saying that she used to look for 'missing parts of her brain' upon the seashore?...and rodway had been in the same boat, let us say...who sank the 'vasa' eh?...that ol' swedish flagship....hmmm...conflated with rodway as a sephardic/swedish/masonic zionist 'joo', perhaps?....lol....go figure:
...and yes, rodway had compiled the symbols....seeing as she had a mossad language chip in her brain, to do the work of 'learning hebrew'...why not turn her hand to etc etc....but with no 'lead' in her pencil, let us say....lol....go figure:

anyway, guess what the following is reminding me of, dazzlenation?....you've guessed it...see previous posts....go figure:

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