Saturday 6 July 2024

 ....and then i had a look at the 'st peter' fish - dazzlenation and things began to add up, in a way....with a sidelong glance at 'arthur pendragon' and 'sigil B', let us and regarding the forename 'arthur'...i was to remember grandpa clayton laughing about how his father and grandfather had been called 'arthur'...norwegian intelligence were to work it out, first....remember that soviet number surrounding their satanic 'apostles' and 'christ' system?....well, the knights of the round table would surely be another candidate for masonic etc etc...oh and remember the young RH's catch - from a rockpool...the biggest crab of all - down in cornwall....he was to name it 'king arthur' etc etc.......see previous post...go figure:

oh and in relation to that book on raphael - the holliday sisters had figured that they were the 'black cranes'....hmmm....more 'shags' as the prague rothschild had once laughed.....'graculus - royal bird of the land of nog'....noggin the nog, anybody?

and if we're still on 'sigils'...isn't this fascinating?....and yes, i can remember what the sick 'n' the stupid had attempted to program in...regarding the brown relation to a reproduction....where one of them appears to be 'blank'...."the 4th dimension" replies BI online...which they steal, in their 'green bag' up their 'greensleeves' etc etc....although as you can see from the pic have an engraving effect....where the light catches certain points...a join-the-dots number....and yes, they'd programmed in the following as either a 'blind' God or one of their's wearing a virtual reality mask - depending upon which 'tardy' crew were in operation, at the time etc etc...kate holliday had referred to them as 'sigils'....go figure:
oh and kate had also programmed with the following...although sarah was to warn her not to...i wonder why?"because they're going to fall" - kate had told her sister....go figure:

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