Saturday 17 August 2024

 .....and what's new this 18th of August - 2024, dazzlenation?...well, i've been having a very nice summer break - without the more than i used to do....went swimming quite a bit....water a bit 'suddy' - regarding clacton beaches but not that bad - although not as clear as it used to be, at this time of the year etc etc....oh and as for the 'library computers' - peter?....thank you for your 'interest' didn't need to touch them.....and yes, quite a bit of water under the bridge - lots to talk about but i simply can't be bothered at present...suffice to say i'm back online....O2 is still being 'dealt with' - regarding that fraud team's investigations etc etc....they broke whatever contract they think that they might have with me by cutting me off of the internet and without warning, i might prior notice whatsoever...followed up by emails threatening to cut me off - without mentioning the fact that they had already done so - how 'tardy' is that'?, to underline that very important point - their contract with me had been to provide a service - remember?...a very important part of contract law...i have never broken that contract - not once, i might add...always offered payment and consistently contacted them to keep up the dialogue regarding sorting the matter out etc etc....oh and O2 also effectively refused payment, i might add - by refusing to answer my offer of postal order payments - regarding their direct debit 'fraudulent' activity etc etc......anyway, the ombudsman can now sort it out because it looks like i'm owed considerable compensation (i have a file full of evidence, to prove that every iota of what i have said is true about 02 - including their responses or lack of etc etc...simcards/dongles/contracts/letters/emails/correspondence dating back to my very first contact with them) ....anyway, a change of subject....and so so let me see...what have the 'tards' been up to, recently - regarding comments....with a sidelong glance at lisa's son who had seen what petrol nell had then decide that using the 'force' might be the way to go - and yes, best to be cryptic about 'that one'....more laughter.....go figure:

anyway, dazzlenation....this is the blackheath address that you had wanted a reminder of.....oh and regarding the footage forwarded etc was all ghastly....anyway - russian intelligence were on the scene, within the footage forwarded.....joking about MI6 moore's 'man-without-a-face' alma doll...guess who etc etc?....and so regarding your 'in hell' contributions, during my absence - dazzlenation...well, i pity those who were taken there to be programmed with 'turtle-features' etc etc....and yes, in retrospect - it was all a bit shocking, wasn't it.....go figure:

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