Tuesday 2 July 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well 'EDnA' weale had found out something rather important about younger....set theory, anybody?....lol....because he'd been working on it , with little success....see previous post.....go figure:





i remember that table....lol..."that's the real chessboard" replies BI online...hmmm...'willy' spuhler had wanted me to remember it...knowing that those who came after him...might prefer the machine, let us say - over human beings and their ability to etc etc.....go figure:

along with a direct look at the machine that 'grabs', which came afterwards:

and you wonder where rodway had got that 'expression' from?
cassis, anybody?
a bit of a 'hummingbird' mossad moment?...and yes, the mossad had figured that they'd got it in the bag, regarding switzerland and the appointment of 'cassis'....go figure:
anyway, you might ask nick witney, about it all - as EDnA had known...if he is still around, that is....go figure:
'eda' - a given name, huh?...and yes, younger's chosen nickname for rodway had been 'eda':
....he was to joke to her "that's you!"
...a machine-grab-catch-birds i.e. catch remote-viewers and enslave them number...i have previously called it 'soul-trapping':

whilst striving for wealth - 'earning it by being evil':

anyway, 'brian losey' would presumably be more interested in this type of EDNA...whilst for myself....i was looking at the entire set, let us say....whilst concentrating upon N for 'nano'....go figure:
anyway, brian - i take it that masonic 'men of zion' program is no longer operational?....lol...oh and you wonder why the mossad operating through the 3 sephardic schools of jerusalem had done what they had done, eh?....go figure:

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