Friday 12 July 2024

 ....and what page are you on, then - dazzlenation?...still on 'nuts and gum' might read david mitchell's 'thinking about it only makes it worse' ......and it appears that i am not alone in that view that etc on page 4 of 'one star' reviews upon amazon...anyway, i have news for 'whoever' sent the review about how mitchell must have a team behind him to etc short, at the back of the book - mitchell thanks 'robert yates' for getting him the job....guess who i'm thinking that 'robert yates' might be etc etc....secondly, it had been eversfield school headmaster 'robert yates' who had told mitchell that seeing as toby macklin had little or nothing to do whilst earning etc etc and thought highly of himself as a 'wordsmith' being so linguistically/academically talented...well, yates didn't put it quite like that but anyway...more laughter...macklin then got the job of authoring the damn book....the dumbing down of britain, eh?...i cannot believe the 'positive reviews'..."written by robots" replies BI, that would explain it...and yes, there is something on what supermarkets have by the till...but so blitheringly stupid and unthought out, let us say...that i couldn't bear to read it (along with the rest of the book) and so just skimmed through it all, in a matter of minutes....go figure:

...and if i were to go into this in more depth - dazzlenation?....hmmm....people used to call macklin a "blithering idiot" whilst laughing....and so perhaps that is the root of it all....a case of schadenfraude....'but for the love of God, there go i' etc etc.....and perhaps why some people find that type of unthought out blathering but never getting to the point because the 'idiot' in question, is too lazy to think it through - 'amusing'...hence the title 'thinking about it only makes it worse' ...whilst being mildly 'offensive' at the same time but not appearing to know it..."off in his own little world" - block of wood, used to say....repeatedly..."that's just toby - off in his own little world" etc so i wonder how much more of mitchell's material, might have originated from macklin's etc etc.....go figure:

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