Wednesday 3 July 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?...well, it's another case of 'look-at-who's-moving-out' and this time it is one of the three brothers i.e. martin ayres, moore 'n' andy.....and so it appears that 'andy' is moving out...and er....was there a connection to 'mike' on caldwell street? figure:*1yowf6o*_ga*NDgwNTIyMjYxLjE3MjAwMzQ0MTg.*_ga_DH58YLS8J6*MTcyMDAzNDQxNC4xLjEuMTcyMDAzNDQ4MS4wLjAuMA..

and of course one then begins to wonder if there are more, upon this search...a bit of an erstwhile 'mod' number?'ll be 'curtains'/kurtens for you, eh?
....hmmm...are those tiny toy pandas, on a stand by the sofa, in the middle of the pic?....because that reminds me....of (sir) ian mills, again...who used to do 'panda' programming....remember my set of 3 cuddly toy pandas etc etc...oh and there's the late 60s...when talking about the industrial revolution...and yes, this was all about political propaganda 'n' communism/NWO stuff...they used to talk about the 'satanic mills' know what i'm saying...go figure:

anyway, that's a rather large barbecue for a flat in a rather large wooden residence and so one wonders if whoever-it-is has a problem with the neighbours, whilst grilling their kippers for breakfast etc etc:
teddybear through the looking glass?...and what about the other rooms?...illustrations of big cats, photos of santa 'n' his baby elves...eidelweiss on one set of those golfsticks etc etc...oh i've 'got' it....i remember now....the prague rothschild to toby macklin - regarding a certain red pair of curtains..."don't make it look too obvious" as in palin's holly leaf sky program reference...and so a bit 'oak leaf' in pattern:
and the following had been about chief medical officer 'whitty' in "he'll open the window for us"...and well, he certainly did, didn't he?....managed to nearly destroy the conservative party - regarding whitty's programming of boris et al, to believe that covid wasn't real....regarding their cowardice, in the face of etc etc and subsequent partying...and yet, my feeling is...that hadn't actually been the figure:
and nearby, we have chalet melchior and the 'artichoke' gang....the prague rothschild had once invited lisa, toby et stay, there...having borrowed it off of the holliday family...oh and sylvia had been taken to visit, too...."all bribes" replies BI of the 'wise men' eh?...i can remember an early art session at the MAC, b'ham....the gyde family had turned up...i must have been about 10 or so....for a teacher to instruct us upon how to make an easy set of 'kings' in clay....i.e. make a cone, a ball and a crown - decorate....go figure: king is 'light' and the eyeball....looks like somebody had been reading a bit of marie louise-von-franz's work...regarding an arabic text - supposedly written by 'senior'....regarding the sun, the moon and the earth etc etc....and yes, we're back to alchemy, again...the prague rothschild had told toby macklin..."i'll leave you to translate" etc etc:
coupled with a black dot cider reference?....oh i see....mcgowan had been taken there, too - even though lisa had hated him being there..."so show me family" the song in the video, goes:
oh and lisa had liked 'this one'....having conflated it with 'daggers' and daguerreotypes...."let's call ourselves that!"....the prague rothschild then inquired within...and began to pun with the word:
...and yes, oscar had said "are you all right with that?"...i had been taken there too...but knew when to keep my mouth shut...."you just have to sit on her" the prague rothschild had laughed to his team of 'tards' sit upon somebody....i.e. to force somebody to be silent..."i'll do that" sylvia then said, grimly...go figure:

.....daisy chain, anybody?...oh and another 'andy' had been interested in all of this - dazzlenation..."pay a little respect to me" etc etc....and he had wondered why he was conflating 'daisies' with daguerreotypes.....and there's more because sylvia wood of the prague rothschild team had preferred that they call themselves the 'baguettes'....and so a conflation was built up, on the system....of bread...bucket/car seat...daisies....solarisation of old relation to 'my king is light'...."lucifer" replies BI online...not to mention 'bread bins' because the prague rothschild had pointed to one in the kitchen and laughed..."you're our bread bin" etc etc...bread bucket..hence ingabot 'n' weale's wedding invitation design...she had given me a pic of two cows with swiss cowbells along with the swiss knock up a design....having previously said "we're the cows who eat from you" etc etc...on the other hand, weale's biker friends at that neuveville wedding were puzzled....why had they chosen two cows to represent themselves etc no real answer given....go figure:

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