Thursday 11 July 2024

 ....and what's new this thursday evening, dazzlenation?....well, that pontypridd number was to call my mobile again....see previous posts....and what else?...let me see...ah, a reminder of that 'rogue network' again - regarding your 'pugsommar' biznez....and yes, it is still relation to a dog 'n' owner upon that erstwhile 'kgb' crumbling tarmac seafront path, let us say - the other day....more of a french bulldog, actually...."he's just heavy" jumped up at me...appeared to be friendly and so i stroked him, however - i was also picking up on something else 'not-quite-right' etc etc.....brian losey would know what i, dogs are a 'key' issue here - ask the masons, about it etc etc...and what else?....a reminder of the old city of jerusalem and in relation to brenda telling me that she wanted 'proof' that one could become 'invisible' upon the networks...i advised against be safe, i could only create an enivironment, at short notice - that covered the old city and that wouldn't be safe....or not for short, we would  be able to walk around as a'ghosts' but the mossad would soon pick up on us, walking out of that a process of short, the cctv of 'unnatural electrical activity' moving from place to place...would not be detected until it left a certain environment i.e. the old city and then it would appear again, as a human being - as if by magic etc etc....brenda was to argue that they'd never work it out because of the crowds going in and out of certain access points to the old city....hmmm...a process of simple deduction....which faces appear again and again - from out of nowhere etc, i can remember after completing the work - i was to ask mcdonald if he would like to check it...he didn't....ignored me....walking around the office like a sly he would do, i suppose....seeing as he had been at 'green tower' when mark r and 'amadeus' had first discovered that i used to be able to 'see' the taschmanns stealing those gold bars from a certain NY private bank...all on cctv footage, available - at the time and yes that had been the weirdest part...and walking out, undetected etc etc....of course, they then wanted to do it, themselves....and there's a further note to add....remember mark r and myself, taken to CERN - in order to be forced to take part in a 'high-energy-collision', let us say...regarding those 'trains' racing around the tracks etc etc....and well, you could say that brenda's operation - which had involved walking into the mossad HQ and out again as 'invisibles' had involved another type of 'high-energy-collision', let us brief, brenda and i - had been walking down a long and somewhat narrow corridor, abreast....for rodway and a military man, to enter from the far end....i then recognised her...she shouted "hi!" in such a friendly way that i raised my hand and began to say 'hi' back....brenda threw her arm across my path...i looked behind me....another man had entered the corridor behind us....i immediately stood flat against the wall...brenda did the same....rodway then met the man, not far from us...put her arms around his neck and kissed him...cooing and was as if she had looked right through me and brenda....quite literally...anyway, after looking around...we then followed them out....rodway was getting into a jeep, with a man....the other was looking at them, laughing...rodway was wearing high heels and a very short skirt....the men were so pleased with her....what a mensch etc etc....yes, really....they had figured that she had done so much 'good work' for them....and the upshot to 'all of that' is mark r on his desk at green tower...having spotted that 'unusual electrical activity' to then tell mcdonald....the mossad were to check out their 'old city' CCTV and then epstein was sent in, to pick us up...additionally, brenda and i, were to visit later find out that the mossad had left - i was to spot a scarf, upon a wooden bench...shiny material yellow and blue - rodway had left it behind....oh and another thing....remember CF and that 'ghost-busting' team in moseley, b'ham....because as a child, i had always wanted to be a 'ghost-buster' even though i didn't believe in them....i had even wanted to join london society for psychical research....and now i can fully understand 'why'....maths not magic etc etc....not forgetting to mention mark r and myself - at that LSE christmas party - the time that i had 'outed' him for 'all of that'.....see previous notes...additionally, google is celebrating the following...cesar lattes.....oh and they're trying to stop me from uploading further images - without accepting 'new cookies' and well, if i can't post up new images - their loss, not mine...go figure:

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