Sunday 14 July 2024

 ....and what's new this sunday morning, dazzlenation?....more of the same....see previous posts....go figure:

the above was sent to my email address...whereas the text sent to my mobile contained an additional threat....and so don't be surprised if i stop posting, sooner or later.....because i will have been cut off of the internet via my dongle and laptop....but hey, what do i care?...having changed to 'talktalk' upon my mobile and they can't cut that i need in case of emergencies and yes, i really don't care about posting upon my blog, anymore....and yes, i can't continue to post upon my blog from my mobile phone because i cannot afford the price of that package and yes, i have no interest in doing anymore 'biznez' with any other company....sick to death of the lot of them etc it goes, eh?...if O2 cut off my data to my dongle...i'll be free of the whole 'obligation' to continue whatsoever...and i shall simply enjoy the rest of my summer - internet free...more laughter....anyway, aren't these 'tards' disgusting in their behaviour - clearly fraudulent....clearly trying it on, despite having lost everything....'tardy' machine logic, eh?...i'll never put direct debit back on again....and they are ignoring any emails - regarding payment via postal order....their loss.....go figure:

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