Friday 5 July 2024

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?....ah, this one had been supplied by 'laura' - attached under that 'genesis' video...along with something around 'where's the money' up....and so what had she meant by 'el horno de cash'?...hmmm....a 'horner' reference?.....go figure:

and now it's time for a mix 'n' match with what's new upon my reddit homepage...el horno...oven....and the word for 'dragon' in chinese seal script, apparently....along with a 'wads of cash' reference...hmmm...let me guess...the oven and the MI6 winged serpent..."cash generator" replies BI't that something that younger was to complain about recently....and yes he's still 'in a job' despite having resigned....still pulling the strings to make moore 'dance' etc etc...anyway, he had complained about being treated like a cashpoint...oh and upon that note...the HSBC has an excellent new machine, installed upon station road, clacton...light years better than the old one etc etc...go figure:

along with er...mark r and forestry?..."he owes the chinese a large amount"...and he can't get at a penny of it...not that it was 'his', in the first place - let us say..."nor can any of them" very unfortunate...they obviously don't have a good enough mathematician on board in order to etc it goes, eh?..."step on you"...yes, it's that old number....i.e. abuse of myself in order to generate cash, the 'prague rothschild' way...not working...never really was just a front, in order to work behind the scenes....regarding taking that whole satanic cult down...which is now happening, i might add...and so need to pretend that it is 'working' anymore...the programs that i had put in - will ensure that etc etc...go figure.

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