Tuesday 2 July 2024

 ....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...an address that the CIA had wanted - in relation to rodway giving sylvia a number to ring because she would be away for a while....upon caldwell terrace.....whilst living in the maltings....hmmm....lan-ark....and there was i, thinking that it must be a london address...hang on, perhaps it was....lol...and yes, she'd gone up to london, to meet 'mike' there....see previous posts....go figure:


and let me see...there is a caldwell street....ah, i see what had been going on  there....'mike' had been yuval noah harari programming with the lan-ark....whilst on caldwell street....and so we have another 'look-at-who's-moving-out' job....in a certain shade of green...lol....what happened there, then...why are the windows like 'that' etc etc....go figure:
and do you know what the following photo reminds me of?....that andel flat, in prague...after the prague rothschild had sent round his friend and her 'boys-from-the-village' to remove every single item of his...including the kitchen sink, i might add...and i had had to live in that flat, until the BC DTO secretary helped me to find a new one, eventually...whilst i was so ill, at one point - i managed to get to a hospital...we had no medical insurance whilst working as teachers and I couldn't afford it etc etc...and seeing as the british council didn't issue ID cards at that point and had not resolved that particular issue with the czech government - by the time that i had left i.e. two years later...1994-6...anyway, i had to leave the hospital without treatment....and after about a week later, having managed to recover from what was verging on pneumonia...was told by DTOM peter smith that i'd have to make up every working day that i had been sick because i hadn't managed to get a doctor's sick note etc etc...no help, from any of them at all...despite repeated telephone calls...even judith elliot appeared to be 'unconcerned' about whether i lived or died...i can remember steeling myself to walk across the square, in the morning, in order to make that call...hoping that i wouldn't faint - to ask anybody who would listen at the british council, for help...eventually gave up trying and just stayed in my 'made-up-bed' of coats and the like, on the floor until etc etc....and that was just the beginning of my troubles at that original british council DTO in prague....it got worse....oh and by the end of it, the senior teacher 'sylvia' wood was to tell me that i had worked far more hours than the rest of them...up to a 1/3 or more, in some cases....oh and i was also the only teacher apart from kate 'block of wood' to get flowers....kate used to sleep with her students, i might add...lol...the only one to get flowers/presents from my classes, at the end of term...my desk used to end up looking a bit like a flower shop...lol...and so i knew that i was doing a 'good job' even if the rest of those full-time staff, weren't...and yes, i can remember now - it was lisa who had forked out for all of those flowers - put on kate's desk, in order to etc etc...i can remember kate walking in and when asked where the flowers had come from..."i dunno"...she then talked about one 'red rose' that a student had once given her...how wonderful etc etc...anyway, yet another illustration of what happens to a person like me, having been surrounded/mobbed by 'tards'....the cruelty, the pettiness etc etc...and yet, the students in my classes...made up for it...and so i realised that the whole world wasn't like that...a bit like being at school and so many telling me "we know you have a terrible mother - it's all right" ..the other people around you, aren't blind...they know what's going on etc etc...oh and let's not go near 'the maths' in relation to tard-abuse of my person...you'd think that they'd 'get' it but they never did and look at what happened next...more laughter....see previous notes upon 'all of that':

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