Monday, 4 September 2023

 .....and this evening - there's an answer to my question from this morning, dazzlenation.....starting with a bit of history...that tardy and its dog had been round at elliot's house on trafalgar road when it viciously bit CID detective mcgowan and through the skin, i might further action was taken at the time - despite him then needing a tetanus injection....however, once i had calmly told tardy, this morning - that if it bit somebody then it would be put this is where it gets really 'mad'....she then went to the police station with her dog - to file a complaint, along the lines that she and her dog had been 'threatened'...the dog then bit the hand and arm of the interviewing female officer - it then escaped and went for the ankle of a male officer and wouldn't let go.....the tardy was then asked if she was 'okay' - was she 'schizophrenic'....she replied (in the same way as she had told me, that morning) that her dog was good with everybody, even children and that there was nothing wrong with her dog....which she kept on repeating ad infinitum....let me explain - this is common tardy practice....the idea being, to let you work it out....i.e. the tardy hopes that you will believe her lie that there is nothing wrong with her dog and her, and then deduce that there must be something wrong with you....and that therefore it was 'okay' for her to let the dog attack you because there's obviously something wrong with you.....and tardy had let the dog run at me and growl around my ankles, three times....luckily for her, it didn't bite me....although, on last count - it has now bitten three police so to recap....this is how a tardy thinks...within their incredibly stupid and bullying mindset.....there must be something wrong with you....and they keep on repeating their 'mantra' about their rabid dog - because somehow that will make it 'true'....guess what happened next....more laughter....go figure.

additionally, this is the second time that i have encountered that tardy 'n' rabid, small dog....including her partner-in-crime, who appears to be a bit more sensible....having yelled at her this morning..."what are you doing? For God's sake - put it on a lead?!"....tardy's partner is a bit of a sonia fisher, however - let us say, that both were blocking my way up the promenade....and yet that 'little dog' had  been something of a rothschild 'guard-dog'.....more laughter...."you shall not pass" replies BI online.....yes, isn't that desperate? short, they were a couple of robots on the gameboard....who had been commanded to keep me within a certain radius.....a line that i was not allowed to cross..."setting another frequency program"....suffice to say...i walked someway across the line to then turn round and take the above photo....hence the grainy it goes, eh?

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