....and what's new this thursday morning, dazzlenation...well, it's all about 'location, location, location'....and a rather discreet address....used by the local aristocracy, apparently.....one of whom had opined "looks a bit like a penny farthing, doesn't it"...the shadow thrown across what appears to be some sort of greenhouse-in-the-garden....hmmm....one of the 'swan' crew that had preyed upon students at essex?...."related" replies BI online....additionally, the man had somewhat resembled that 'vampire' aristocrat, who had preyed upon students (notably duncan cameron) at dartington.....anyway, we also have a french reference to 'vaux'....in relation to 'vauxhall'....with lisa opining that she and her crew were "the law".....at lawrence hall....hmmm....something around vying for who had the all-seeing-eye?...along with the aristocracy talking 'money' i.e. landed gentry and the like....and lisa's mob talking about the control of...."the pubic prosecution service" replies BI online....anyway, a 'joke' around lisa and her 'val-halla' program:

bouillon is a 'stock'....hmmm....something around 'stocks and shares' - related to feudal programming....anyway, we also appear to be looking at who had made an alliance with who....during this sick 'n' stupid attempt to steal, steal and steal again....within the slave-driving satanic elite:
Shrublands Rd - Google Maps
Bohun swan - Wikipedia
remember how i had been instructed by tomlinson to forget how to pronounce 'bouillon' properly in french..."boo-e-on"....oh and said aristocrat in manningtree/mistley used to program himself in as 'godfroy'...and what else?..."i am the godfather" replies BI online..."the god of big foot - god of frodos"....go figure:
Godfroy - Godfrey of Bouillon - Wikipedia
Godefroy_de_Bouillon.jpg (482×800) (wikimedia.org)
reminding me a bit of that bus driver who had done a U turn into trinity road etc etc but without a moustache or beard and nor was his hair that long...just 'something', let us say..."on the payroll"....lol:
oh and look....inclusion into the holy sepulchre:
look at the spurs....the local aristocracy with their horses used that path from the 'onion bed' residences into manningtree and back, according to oscar...oh and linda had wanted to program herself in as the following, to be told by her crew that some of the others looked more like etc etc....."ling's mob had thought it all up"....oh i see - whilst at that artists' colony, just outside the city walls of the old city of jerusalem.....and then passed it down to linda...."covered in SH.I.T."....anyway, judith elliot had figured that she would like to do 'one of them':
"you're one in a million" i had told the bus driver - lol..er.....why is a naked 'blue man' holding him up?
godRFID and the god chip, eh - brenda?
oh and after visiting 'old knobbley' - mistley/manningtree....dr tony smith had instructed the children/those in child alters "that's where the green knight lives"....go figure:
oh and 'old knobbley' isn't that far from where the 'green knight' had had his residence..."ingabot had gone in to have a chat with him"...accompanied by weale...a bit of a norwegian intelligence number?..."green darkness"....you mean bobby's mob rather than the northern lights?
anyway, back to lisa....and her 'lawrence hall':
with a sylvia lookalike in-the-mix....standing in front of....?...let me guess...spying on lisa's crew?
anyway, now i finally have an answer as to why i had thrown that cheap gold slavery-one-year-jooish/zionist-'wedding' ring, that gill had bought for $30, upon a NY jooish market...into manningtree estuary....remember how sylvia had shown it to me....in her jewellry collection....appeared to have no idea of where it came from or rather wouldn't say...only "hee, hee, hee" - wicked witches' time etc etc......and so having disposed of it - into the estuary...along with a couple of other items, let us say....i then watched as two swans took off, upon the horizon and flew towards the sun....a rather odd occurrence, that i was to relate to brenda, at the MI imperial hotel, jaffa gate, jerusalem....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure:
"because his name is lawrence" lisa had added:
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