....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, mcgowan was to eventually follow instructions 'to the letter' - despite having complained that it didn't make sense and so he therefore wanted to override etc etc.....to then be told that it didn't matter whether or not it 'made sense'....lol...have faith....just do it or you will fail etc etc...and he did...resulting in rickson's talkmobile 'e' number network, successfully going down....more laughter...and so in short, that is how the tables were turned, let us say...oh and remember american mcgee's malice in wonderland?...my favourite 'gay' cartoon character - the cheshire cat....more laughter.....see previous post....go figure:
what a marvellously 'strange' cat video and with no 'closure' upon it....hmmmm....oh and a note upon the system to mention 'sacred and profane love'....hmmm....remember what daldry had wanted more than anything in the world - after so much extreme abuse from his father (who had figured that he wasn't his real son)...the sacred and the profane....so much blood, shit and tears...and then flying....like one of God's angels, across the skies....time to fight back against those who would entrap your soul, then - eh?..."and make a robot slave out of you" replies BI online.....oh and need i mention that those who stick a fork in the toaster to achieve the same effect, which is potentially far more dangerous than etc etc....or those like duncan campbell (arranged marriage within the scottish nobility) who were not allowed to come out of the closet.....then resorted to 'feeling the eel' - an electric eel in a bucket, to be precise - given to him by a member of the local aristocracy - whilst at dartington college....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...go figure:
and well, satanism tends to invert everything, doesn't it?...anyway, the only 'closure' upon what the above video has er....alluded to, let us say....is another library book - upon the timer system: 'Queen K' by 'sarah thomas'...and yes, the 'heroine' is from totnes, oddly enough.....amongst the super-rich etc etc.....go figure:
anyway, in relation to animals being violent....attacking humans.....hmmm....remember what petrol nell and the satanic sisterhood had done to that lioness cub, in order to 'tame' it?...they were to repeatedly stun gun it until it no longer 'went' for them....anyway, the same is true of judith elliot's mob and that rabid 'little dog' - her network had all been instructed to repeatedly stun-gun it until it had learned not to attack them....and so to recap - it won't attack them but it will attack anybody else....and so regarding the police who ended up in hospital, having been bitten by said dog run by one of elliot's 'tardies'.....nota bene who claims that the dog is not 'dangerous' - those it will not attack...a bit of a litmus test which will enable you to find the human abusers of that dog etc etc....see previous posts...additionally, having watched how the 'white cat' behaves in the above video...it looks 'floppy'...as if it were drugged or suffering from 'sunstroke' or something like that...small children tend to go 'floppy' with sunstroke and cats certainly do after they've been lying in front of an open fire for too long - unable to protect themselves...too 'relaxed' - lol....unlike most children - they can't tell you what's the matter - you have to spot the signs and symptoms, along with having a look at the environment for all sorts of things, such as poisonous plants etc etc (remember what the police vet had said about that rabid 'little dog' - seriously ill and in pain)....back to the 'white cat' - or perhaps too many stun-gun treatments etc etc....who knows, eh?
and what else, dazzlenation?...look at the defence system put in place, in the garden....lol...no doubt it would be a good deterrent for burglars too....the unexpected is often enough to put off etc etc....remember lennon et al and that blackheath residence...where if you crossed a certain line 'in the dark'...you then heard a menacing 'ghostly chuckle' from a speaker, hidden in the undergrowth....more laughter:
and what else, dazzlenation...a 'chemical imbalance'?...oh i 'get' it now...all a metaphor for something else...let me guess....something along the lines of.....CIA handlers....david bowie on cocaine...nota bene the different eye colours....in short, you are unlikely to make a cat 'obedient' as you might a dog....remember 'kitty alters' are very, very young - upon the mkultra system and they need a very different approach...."love and understanding" replies BI online....which is why they used to send me in to deal with CF, when nobody else could etc etc...having been his older sister/nanny, whilst still a small child - myself.....oh and remember the 'turkish van cat'?....go figure:
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