....and what's new this friday morning, dazzlenation?...something around rodway's adoptees who had been 'hacked', let us say....although they had no idea etc etc....anyway, after having been found out for 'doing-rodway-in' somewhat, along the line....lol....they then adopted the approach of..."well, we're on the right side then" etc etc..."francesca was to say 'we're working for you" replies BI online - as in working for you lot....hmmmm....a quick 'no' to that one....just robots....and malfunctioning ones, at that.....how long before mossad takes them out, as such etc etc....more laughter....oh and i'd best be cryptic about the following....one of gill's choices - regarding his positioning upon the ill cult system, not that many years ago, now...."king and kingdom" replies BI online...."a game of chess"...and guess who had been breezing through oscar, the other day, during that 'time-tunnel' country walk etc etc....oh and sylvia had projected caroline hughes, later on....somewhat 'despairing', let us say....anyway, i've bought the same trousers, for oscar - in the right size....arriving upon saturday, according to amazon....go figure:
81DVxDBe7YL._AC_UX522_.jpg (522×522) (media-amazon.com)
Amazon Essentials Men's Slim-Fit Casual Stretch Khaki Trouser : Amazon.co.uk: Fashion
Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)
oh and there's a bit more to follow and this regards 'royalty'....remember prince 'lucifer' william entrusting lisa to do the biznez, in order to keep that satanic cult alive?...a certain film - that after the 'private viewing' - lisa was to state emphatically...."that's me!"...although having re-viewed it...looks more like 'kate middleton' - regarding the 'driving glasses' etc etc...hmmm....remember whalley and her 'driving glasses'?....additionally, we have toddy 'n' lisa entrusted with the 'care' of lisa....who had wanted to die, by that point in time....and lisa had put a note upon the timer system, to explain what had been going on..."hongkong pooey" rather than 'phooey' - a cartoon that had meant so much to the hawker/pauka family....hmmm...linked to shanghai 2003 and that ill cult 'financial agreement' to move their money from london to hongkong, let us say....go figure:
walter syndrome, anybody?....'library linda' had known all about it....a 'curse' upon the subliminal radio networks that she used to put in...and she used to combine it with e-coli poisoning..."that'll finish him/her off" etc etc....go figure:
and what else?...well, there's camilla trying to 'bat' it all away from her...although she had told linda "yes, that'll do" etc etc....camilla - the most 'intelligent' one of the british royals, i'd say....run by the mossad, according to russian intelligence...more laughter....go figure:
and last but not least, rodway's favourite scarf...."we're borrowers, emily" she was to explain..."you'll get it all back - we're just borrowing it"....her and her father - aka 'the fat man'...."scarlett's double"....exactly that....anyway, her favourite scarf had all been about 'chained handbags'....radio files for this morning....all centring upon london....go figure:

oh and 'crappy' had wanted a reminder of "i saw three ships"....christmas cards from the RNLI, to be precise....additionally, in relation to 'pirates' - remember that saatchi operative who had a card-copying device under her morrison's supermarket till - all of those years ago now....well, her 'big sister' was to walk into morrison's, this morning - recognised me immediately although i can't say the same etc etc....she then smiled and snarled, at the same time - showing her lower teeth, as she did so - in a threatening way....anyway, same 'looks' but taller and larger boned....made me think of ghislaine maxwell and her sister 'jade laing'....lol....additionally, upon the note of morrison's self-service tills - i had wrongly implied that the 'white diamond' shape above those tills was a cctv monitor.....more laughter....and that is because having re-viewed that google photo, i had previously questioned my memory of events....even though i could remember clearly, a screen in front of me, that i simply had to glance up at.....hmmm...a lesson learned there....having realised, this morning, after visiting morrison's again - that my recollection had been entirely correct.....as a customer, you glance up but not that far up....more mirth.....anyway, morrison's in clacton, now have a small screen to the left of the main screen, where you can see what you have bought - where you can see 'yourself' - buying whatever you happen to be buying...a small screen - that is absent from the photo, below and for no apparent reason....oh and if you want more - the police were to tell me, so many years ago now - that their camera surveillance system was placed under and around the base of where you scan stuff....a 'mirrored' effect.....and so yes, dazzlenation...why the superfluous stuff, eh?...why add a 'make-you-self-conscious-mirror-screen' beside where your items-to-be-bought turn up on screen etc etc..."a marketing ploy" replies BI online....okay, it's got to be that, i suppose but 'why'?....lol:

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