Sunday 24 September 2023

 .....and what's new this monday morning, dazzlenation?....well, another BFI movie is on the timer system - something  that the british army had laughed about and then decided to use as a memory aid...they were to laugh in particular about 'toby' as the cat - although 'on the ground' - toby-the-tard had been responsible for quite a bit, let us say.....oh and apparently the italian BI team had been greatly entertained by the film....hmmm....something around the latin quotation, along with etc etc?....anyway, the film acted as a 'cover' and memory aid - for that (para)military exercise that pat 'n' boyfriend had presided over - whilst sleepwalking through it..her boyfriend had even stated at one point...."i've just got to wake up" as if it were all a 'bad dream'....appears to have been a US/UK operation - with williams/rodway/mossad interference....although that SAS 'badger' video - appears to have picked up canadian i.e. that 'maple tree' reference - rather than US forces, let us say.....anyway, an operation that had gone pear-shaped, whilst macklin was attempting to set a frequency program in order to steal my radio contacts....the operation then ended up in 'friendly fire'....UK forces apparently shooting US or would that be canadian participants involved and with real bullets....along with MI6 'richard more' in charge of trying to 'steal the maths', again - regarding radio contacts etc etc....once i had radioed out for help, in relation to 'friendly-fire' etc etc...what a 'tard' - the machine that ran them must have degenerated so much, by that point in time -that more had even managed to forget 'signals' history - regarding how every code/radio reference changes, after having been used once....if they're any good that is....anyway, 'tards' use the same thing, again and again etc etc because they tend to assume that the 'maths protection' number, will continue to there's more....mike williams and gill were to identify with the criminal out for revenge and his partner, in said movie.... and whilst having just reviewed the film - i was to wonder if pat 'n' boyfriend had doubled up as the solicitor and his italian girlfriend.....and what else?...well, i can remember US intelligence laughing at martin ayres attempt to do radio work, whilst living in that 'onion bed' accommodation....and that is because it was like watching somebody go into a test - answer each question wrongly...then hand the paper toby macklin - who didn't check it....just sent it through....and that is because the 'interface' for want of a better word, had gone....which had effectively shown up all of those 'tards' for what they are....essentially 'blank slates' who data-input, remember what weale used to do at genomics PLC, according to the CID?...just actors and actresses who have no idea whatsoever of how to do the work involved....and so that is what ayres had done....confidently and with pride.....pretended to do all of the radio work, necessary at the time and then  handed it in....macklin was to act in exactly the same sort of know what i'm saying..."no need to check it - we know you're a man of excellent credentials" etc etc....more laughter....all playing at their roles of being 'intelligent' whilst in reality...well, you know how it goes....anyway a word of warning has to be attached, here....don't go near the frequency program that macklin had been attempting to set up because if you do, then you will risk taking your own operatives out....and through 'friendly fire' instead of etc etc....go figure:

Watch Cold Eyes of Fear online - BFI Player

and what else, is 'new' this monday morning - dazzlenation?...well, i've had a bit more info back upon what tard-toby had been up short, he had sold his the wonder, mcgowan was more than 'tight-lipped' to the CID et al, after the event..."on the pay roll" replies BI online...."he wouldn't say a word"...and so let me guess - macklin had charged a pretty penny for it, had he?....oh just gets worse, doesn't it?....can we tie this up with what is now going on between the military police and the army - regarding sharp-shooters?...yes, we can....go figure.

oh and there's more - as there invariably is....later on, this morning - the aaron services ltd 'gas boiler inspector' was to call....and he wasn't 'louis' or 'lee jackson' had to be a good sign - additionally, he was to fit a carbon monoxide detector, close to the boiler - not something that the rest of them, who have done that 'gas boiler inspection' had ever bothered with etc etc....anyway, i mistakenly gave him the electricity meter room code, instead of the gas meter room code....and so whilst outside of the building - he then radioed out for the correct info etc etc.....afterwards, i checked with him, regarding the codes that i had made a note of....which one worked etc etc?....he noted the old bins room code, which has been recently changed - as being the right one for the gas meter room but he couldn't be wonder i had written that code down twice upon my slip of paper but not added 'bins-room-same-as-gas-meter-room' - which it had been and for some while and yes, i can remember CHP had decided to change the bins meter room code, to something different from the gas room code....hence my note, upon that slip of paper.....underneath, the other now-changed-codes for gas/electricity/bins etc etc....more laughter.....hmmm...something that i had promised 'tinkov', regarding MI6 younger and his 'drug addiction' chip....let me backtrack now - the CID had told me, prior to meeting tinkov that he was a hopeless drug addict....rather like the time that they had told me that ed milliband was in exactly the same condition and so not to be trusted upon anything etc etc - a bit like gill became after having had MI6 younger's latest chip?....something that not only moshe dayan had known (about his illegitimate son) but also those who run or own MI6, nowadays i.e. those who had presumably known about it all beforehand and with 'in-tent', let us say.... reducing their victims i.e. 'james bonds' to that state....oh and there's a bit more to this sorry tale....something around what the gas boiler inspector had projected, just before he left......hmmm....remember me telling daldry (prague - 1995, ambassador's party) that it would all end up a bit like 'spartacus'?....the templars-as-spartacus etc etc....and what else, dazzlenation?....thank God i don't have to remember codes, nowadays....i just have to remember frequency fields and how they work....more laughter...but then my understanding of it all, has always been more of a 'top-down' rather than 'bottom-up' it goes, eh?

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