.....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation...well, i'm still fascinated by what dropped out of a library book - lol....having realised that it might not be an advert but something that somebody had inadvertently lost by using it as a bookmark, or something like that....oh and see previous notes upon MI5 using 'dead people's photos upon their books, to advertise photobooth services, in UK post offices - not that long ago now....they were still doing it, after i had moved to clacton - late 2009....and so naturally i was to begin to smell a rat of sorts but what could it be....lol....anyway, the photobooth number is: 86CG and guess what that brings up on a google search...more laughter....go figure:
Bóxer Cardigan Belgica 86Cg Gri Baby Creysi para Niños (claroshop.com)
oh and there is a phone number on it, too - dazzlenation, for customer service: 0800 035 600...let me see...taken in romford, then:
...."one of judith elliot's contacts" replies BI online -" she had been waiting for her to contact her..."...therefore, it wasn't me who had been supposed to etc etc....oh and no wonder i had found it in a paperbook, whilst browsing autobiographies in the library - upstairs.....entitled 'the reverend richard coles': bringing in the sheaves - wheat and chaff from my years as a priest....ex-communards member....see previous notes upon 'you are my world' etc etc...coles' boxer shorts and the 'grey babies'....and there's more....remember 'mr-necklaces' in the film 'pink narcissus'?...because i can remember tomlinson being made to do a similar dance routine on stage, at a certain templar castle function, let us say....lol..."fabulous dance"..wasn't it just...the funniest scene that i have seen, in a long while:

and yes, dazzlenation...all of those years ago, now - we had discussed soul-trapping....regarding what the mossad had been up to i.e. experimenting upon souls as a 'noble gas' along with EMF protection....remember that 'resin coating' to that mausoleum upon the coast of felixstowe?...all demolished now - gone without a trace...but where....a valuable material, let us say:

anyway, you appear to be on the 'count' i.e. vampire 'ric'/prague rothschild et al...."the cannibals"....hmmm....and this appears to have been a rickson number at talkmobile/vodaphone....something that 'went down' today.....lol.....guess why....let me give you a clue....the ticket seller hadn't been a 'blue lady'...more of a blue 'big cat', let us say....and so that 'chaffinch'....hmmm...the wheat and the chaff...and yes, that discussion had included photos of the holy sepulchre in jerusalem - regarding soul-trapping...along with a reference to mossad 'jooish/zionist' chips and enforced paedophilia - in relation to what daldry et al, had been chipped with etc etc...oh and of course, none of the communards 'n' close friends had been 'genetic robots'...all of them had souls....in short, you don't need to be a satanic paedo-cannibal...just because you're gay or take drugs, for example...you just need to avoid getting chipped....which can be a tricky business...avoiding getting drugged and abducted, whilst out...or even whilst in your own home etc etc....go figure:

anyway, the above site is unsafe...aorus Xtreme force WaterBoard, anybody?...sounds nasty, doesn't it?...reminds me of a certain demonstration...using a 'white mouse'...rather like what gill used to get up to at manchester univ...using FM, to do it.....in short, the chipped mouse - obviously didn't understand commands in english but it could understand sounds, that a human could hear....in order to be made to take the lefthand path or righthand path, into the maze, in order to get to the food....the sound was then put onto a subliminal frequency...nota bene - rodway at that MI5 office in b'ham, used to use 'e' on her networked computer - for the abuse of human microchipped slaves....anyway, back to the experiment with the microchipped mouse - in short, it was then run again and those present - couldn't hear the sound anymore but the mouse still could...and it did whatever its chip instructed it to do - whether or not it got to the food, as a consequence..."it overrides basic human drives" - precisely that i.e. not just mice - humans, too...and that is what had happened to daldry, as well as oscar....something that the manningtree 'radio witches' were to recently find out...after de-chipping as many as they could etc etc..."a tooth chip"...well, more in the gum, actually but anyway, certainly 'in the mouth'....go figure:

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