Saturday 23 September 2023

 .....and if we're still on the 'waves', dazzlenation....well, i need to backtrack to living in ipswich relation to a certain meeting with the 'fairies' at the local crematorium, up tuddenham road, where i used to rent a bedsit.....rimington was to laugh "you'll never get a job, there"....but anyway, after contacting them to say how rude it was not to get a reply (i had to apply for so many jobs, every week - according to the local job centre and an assistant's post - came up regularly, there - they didn't appear to be able to fill it for any length of time etc etc) and that they should do me the courtesy of replying if only to reject my application etc etc.....anyway, i duly got an interview and was to visit the main office....a bespectacled man in slippers, behind the desk then handed me a cup of tea....i poured it into a flowerpot, once he had left the room....and then sat back...half an hour later, he see me with my eyes closed....he then went into a backroom to inform the interview panel...."she's still asleep"....i then opened my eyes...he returned to usher me into the back room.....coles 'n' bennett had been present.....all under prince phillip's control...."the military elite" replies BI online...."coles had been a remote-viewer" and alan had been his mathematician....hmmm....they were all laughing nastily about various 'in jokes'....regarding crematoriums/morgues etc etc...stories that appear in coles' book - which he had been writing, at the time....pillaging various ecclesiastical sources for retrospect, the woman amongst them reminded me somewhat of 'tardy' and her 'rabid' dog etc etc....anyway, all in chuckie doll alters....i merely smiled, diplomatically....i didn't join in with the 'wicked witch "hee, hee, hee" then be told "you don't fit in with us" etc etc and so why had i bothered them, in relation to what they were up to, there.....hmmm....later on, emet was to laugh about the caskets....."a drug depot"...that sort of thing....additionally, watch the video to see coles equate death with 'the stranger at the door' you think that my appearance in that office, might have triggered etc etc?.....oh and remember jarman as magician/mathematician with strong MOD links?...additionally, coles had also joked about being able to pass as 'ed gyde'...or to do a good impression, at any rate....and so in short, pentagon emet 'n' brenda had a lot of work upon their hands....dealing not only with the prague rothschild 'blood angels' as matt smith had once termed their band.....but all of the rest of them, involved in that 'angels and demons' program....remember - mcdonald and SC had penned the book - then given it to dan brown etc etc...oh and there's a little bit more to add - dazzlenation....and that is because whilst in interview, let us say - at that crematorium admin offices building.....i was to mention 'tinkov' in passing.....and after leaving the room - i was to overhear coles, in a panic...."the russian mob - if i'd known, i'd never..." etc etc...bennett was to reply..."well the russians have been buzzing around her" (remember that 'mr fishman' number?) and that my connection to putin was well-known....a 'wife' upon the royal arch freemasonry system - eliza manningham buller had recently sent me over to moscow, seeing as putin had requested etc etc but 'tinkov'...yes, that had scared the lot of them etc etc...more 'death' had entered the room, had it?....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

Rev Richard Coles Opens Up About Bereavement Following The Death Of His Husband David | GMB - YouTube

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