...and what's new this thursday evening - dazzlenation?...well, your latest pics remind me of a couple of movies....both of which could be summarised as surreal takes upon the 'afterlife' - which begin in an office environment where etc etc...anyway, according to 'richard coles' book....some churches have an area where a ladder, sponge and nails are put as a reminder of the crucifixion, whereas in freemasonry - they have a different collection...oh and i can remember now - coles had 'died' of a drug overdose, whilst on tour...."but he's important!" a programmer had then gasped....and so coles was then 'recycled', let us say...."the dead list" replies BI online.......go figure:
and what else?...well, you would have thought that CHP/MB planners might have known about etc etc wouldn't you?.....anyway, i've forwarded that 'ridge' inspection email to laura waumsley....it's almost as if she thinks that it is a scam - although the email had been sent by CHP to all intents and purposes and one is given CHP's phone number, to correspond about the inspection etc etc:
and what else?...well, louise garnett has been on such an extended holiday....for months and months...so many replies - of that nature...always 'out of the office' for some reason or another....that i am beginning to think that she doesn't work there, anymore....see previous notes upon somebody hiking my bill up £9 pm and for no good reason:
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