Thursday 28 September 2023

 .....and what else, dazzlenation?...."he looks sly" sylvia was to remark...something around coles' ex-partner 'david' hanging around wymondham abbey graveyard....he then reported back to coles "the jesuits are onto us!"....hmmm....oh and i can remember gill accosting him "that song was written for me!"...i.e. not a 'gay' love song, originally...stolen and then given away....'you are my world' etc etc....additionally, tinkov et al, had wanted a reminder of coles' new flame....'richard cant' Younger relation to 'war horses'....hor-SIS, anybody?

Wymondham Abbey - Google Maps

A. Salzmann - Épée de Godefroy de Bouillon - Jerusalem - Godfrey of Bouillon - Wikipedia

Charles Spencer’s kind gesture following death of Rev Richard Coles’ husband revealed | HELLO! (

Review: War Horse - A Younger Theatre

...'a spectacle of the craft' - anybody?..."and the crafty" replies BI online....go figure:

additionally i wonder how 'crappy' feels about polar bears wanting to eat his 'navy seals', let us say:

hmm....and so let me he a bit of a puppet-master?

"my name is dennis, dennis rainbird"...not rainbow?...did i spell that surname correctly etc etc....anyway, definitely not 'my name is bond' a reminder of brian cant - his father, apparently...well, a bit of one - lol....oh and richard appears to be doing a bit of a 'paltrow smile' here....and yes, i can remember now - dazzlenation...he had said "it's all in there" if you can work it the following youtube clip...and yup, i'm going for gwyneth paltrow and 'the look' that had made her famous....hmmm...coupled with the tines of the fork and that skiing incident....remember hitchcock's spellbound etc etc...remember paltrow used to be in the same 'house' of a US military fort, let us say....that CF amongst other top hollywood movie stars used to be sent to, for reprogramming etc etc....go figure:

and reddit's got quite a bit on 'that':

anyway, i am assuming that the video explained 'quite a bit'...although in retrospect - if only about scarlett's 'afterlife' biznez, perhaps?

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