Saturday 16 September 2023

 ....and let me see, dazzlenation....yes, i knew that you were on the 'candy brothers' but what about this huguenot number which is also coming up....any connections?....anyway, my sixth sense is picking up on the following....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

Candy Brothers - SuperYacht 11.11 - Blog (

and yes, i can now see that your 'whale, whale, whale' reference had been fishing for 'candy yachts':

Grosvenor House - Wikipedia

Château de Robert le Diable - Wikipedia

....along with a french connection?

Property tycoon Nick Candy locked in legal fight with former business partner | Real estate | The Guardian

anyway, i'm more interested in the following...a likely programming location?...i have no's simply coming up, this evening - for some reason and so i might as well try to 'join the dots' etc etc...along with another extended view of history, let us say...but not within the context of religious wars e.g. protestant vs catholic....more the masons vs mainstream religions....have you checked out boris johnson's

and so the best that i can offer is 'all in triangles'?...courtesy of boris johnson's dad - who has since moved to etc etc....go figure:

and yes, he had left the following upon the timer system: back to the grosvenor family....gros-venn-or.....remember the british princes had talked about using 'in circles' rather than 'in triangles' e.g. venn diagrams to etc etc..."triangles are more effective" replies BI online...well, if we're looking at the geometry of it all and yes, masonic lodges can be conflated with 'triangles' etc"he knows what's going on via the masons"....well, if that is the case then perhaps those that can, should all apply for french citizenship or the like?...go figure:

and what else?...a 'joke' around baked potatoes...with a sidelong glance at what petra phelps had been up to:

anyway, at base level - are we looking at uber-property developers?..."a war"....go figure:

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