Monday, 4 September 2023

 ....oh and there's a bit more to add to the whole sorry saga - dazzlenation...hmmm...the police had coded in the incident as 'canimorsus' upon the timer system....after the police vet had checked a blood sample from that rabid dog to find that it had quite a few complaints...not least of which, was wonder it was so 'mad' was in severe pain etc etc....with an owner that was too stupid to realise or do anything about it etc etc.....see previous posts....go figure:

Capnocytophaga canimorsus - Wikipedia

"can-i-morse" the vet was to laugh, as he reappeared some time later, at the station to etc it goes, eh?

Neutrophil - Wikipedia

oh and there's more, dazzlenation - as i scroll down that 'canimorsus' wiki entry....remember 'phil' and his 'wiggly line'?...well, he had coded himself in as the following upon the system...and so not just a 'piranha' then, eh?....anyway, as the vet was to advise...some of those bitten police officers were more at risk than others and so they'd better etc etc....anyway, i can give you phil's tel no. again, if you would like and so why not check it all out, with him?....07984947675....go figure:

and so in short, dazzlenation...seeing as the dog had quite a few things seriously wrong with it...a tetanus shot would be insufficient etc etc....besides, the officer who had been bitten through his trouser leg - even though the breaking of the skin appeared to be superficial, drawing only a small amount of blood - the skin around it was already swelling, as a reaction to the infection and so etc etc....go figure:

hmmm....and so to conclude, i had a very lucky escape this morning but then i am 'good' with animals and dogs normally love me...they run at me, wagging their tails whilst their owners laugh and if i give them a bit of attention, they're usually rolling on their backs, asking for a tickle etc etc and that was why this morning was all so very 'odd' - dazzlenation....obviously i know the difference between a friendly dog and a hostile one....which the interviewing officer had overlooked - preferring to believe the lie - to then get severely it goes, eh?

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