Sunday, 21 January 2018

...and what was to come up this evening, then? okay, MOD evans...let's 'do' TWIN PEAKS then....because you had figured that it was 'key' to so much...and it had been...see previous notes upon the director david lynch - being a 'genius mathematician' on the quiet, for US intelligence....whilst up front - acting as a very talented hollywood director/writer....and what have you got?...remember that TWO HORNS OF THE DILEMMA maths program?...let me guide you through it....first up - you had identified all of the female characters, at one of your 'sessions' - hotel asystencki - to then look for 'matches', regarding those like sonia and then tried to fit me in under 'young woman by the jukebox who clicks her fingers to the beat'....a wrong note...although tomlinson was also to figure that was the case....see previous notes upon the actress who played that role, going on to play another...that of woman-in-a-box with no arms or legs....tomlinson was to offer to do that to me - for CF and to my horror..."so that she won't be able to run away again" etc etc....go figure.

no, i wasn't part of the A team - as you well, know - MOD evans....see previous notes upon those around the jukebox etc etc...i was part of the B team, at a certain templar castle function...oh and i had also been in mr edwards maths class...the equivalent of the B team, i suppose...those who were really good at maths...rather than the middle-class duds in mr shaw's class - see previous notes...."those who were just pretending" replies MI5 ONLINE.

in fact, once you had run through the list of 'possibles' at hotelu asystencki....and come to the 'log lady'...well, i wasn't about to identify with any of the characters...but that was the closest 'fit' let us say...hmmm...because looking back on it now...the log lady...the records lady....see previous notes upon me advising quasi-collie to keep a standalone computer (not networked or on the internet) for her records, in future - warwick 1997....oh and see previous notes upon norwegian intelligence and their written records...or the old library system of microfiche....which is probably the best way to do it - if you need to save space, that is....

anyway, the 'log lady' who knows what 'bob' has been up to in an 'alternate dimension' but is too scared to talk about it...the 'log lady' who knows but won't talk about it, for whatever reason...a CIA number, i would say...a bit 'brenda' perhaps - as well as quasi-collie....a bit caitlyn...a bit 'myself'...oh and what about the knowledge of blocks of wood....looking after 'blocks of wood'...nannying them...the kate woods and ingabots of this world...logs conflated with memory/records as well figure.

let me give you the overview now...david lynch had been tracking and tracing the cultural roots and history of a certain frequency field maths program...figuratively, symbolically, verbally (the dreamworld 'interplay' between words and symbols e.g. 'log lady')....the TWO HORNS OF THE DILEMMA....and he had succeeded in finding out about something that i shall now term 'ingabot mark I' and her replacement 'ingabot mark II' see, laura's best friend was to bear a striking resemblance to the young susan sinclair....susan who had told me that she had blonde hair, when young - with a strawberry birthmark under her hair, which she was to show me - at the prague DTO 1994...ingabot mark I had had the same sort of birthmark....and very, very thick blonde hair - it stuck out all over the place (sinclair's hair used to do the same)...after i was to come back from the paris school, to meet ingabot mark II at 14 st bernards...she had shot up in height...she now had very long thin, dark blonde hair...and the shape of her face, had changed, compare ingabot mark I and ingabot mark II with laura and her best friend....susan sinclair - the 'dark shadow' behind ingabot mark II....go figure. let us go back to the big we have a father and his club...who is running a paedophile sex slave ring....see previous notes upon the claytons and golfclubs...along with the 'hunting, shooting, fishing' countryclub set...we have a psycho called 'bob' who calls in from another dimension, now and then...a bobby clacton/masonic reference?...and then we have that 'masonic-other-dimension-and-the-red-curtain' along with the 'poison dwarf'....see previous notes upon rafi/quasi-dabydeen etc etc...and now we have malcolm stredwick and the shriners....go figure.

...hmmm...the red curtain....let's return to 'alert' and that ex-soviet base....and what was behind the red curtain - according to dazzlenation? 'lego wine'...a joke made by stredwick....about the whining and the "leggo....let go!"

twin peaks, explained - MOD evans? i did my best....oh and lastly, caitlyn had also been interested in twin peaks....she had liked the whole jukebox number and somewhat identified with that...see previous notes upon caroline hughes doing the same...picking up the beat/radio frequency....a radio witch number....however, when i mentioned the log lady...mcdonald was to perk up his ears - with interest, from across the then join in the conversation....see previous notes upon shanghai 2003...go figure.

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